Webinar on Continuous Monitoring Data

Land Science is pleased to present a webinar with vapor intrusion experts, Dr. Blayne Hartman of Hartman Environmental and Dr. Mark Kram of Groundswell Technologies. During this webinar presentation, Dr.s Hartman and Kram discuss updates regarding vapor intrusion pathway issues, as well as the use of continuous monitoring data. Vapor intrusion continues to be a hot topic among environmental practitioners and represents an opportunity in the industry for firms to expand in providing informed and proper VI guidance and best practices for their clients’ sites. The recording of this free webinar is now available.

About the Presenters:
Blayne Hartman, PhD
President, Hartman Environmental Geoscience
Dr. Hartman is a nationally recognized expert on soil vapor sampling, soil vapor analysis, and vapor intrusion. He has provided training on soil gas methods and vapor intrusion to state regulatory agencies in over 30 states. His organization, Hartman Environmental Geoscience, provides vapor intrusion, soil gas and analytical expertise.
Mark Kram, PhD
Founder and CTO, Groundswell Technologies
Dr. Mark Kram is the Founder and CTO for Groundswell Technologies, Inc., a group specializing in automated cloud based monitoring and modeling of environmental sensor and analytical instrumentation networks. Dr. Kram has over 30 years of experience using innovative environmental assessment techniques, has authored articles, national standards and book chapters on the subject.
FAQ: The Vapor Intrusion Pathway
The questions summarized in this FAQ as part of the Land Science “Distinguished Speaker” webinar series, were provided by our guest presenters, Blayne Hartman, PhD and Mark Kram, PhD in response to questions fielded throughout the webinar presentation. REGENESIS and Land Science are grateful to both Dr. Hartman and Dr. Kram for sharing their expertise. Land Science is dedicated to providing relevant, industry-leading content in support of client partners globally.

In situations where groundwater contaminants at brownfield properties are either too difficult or expensive to remove, it is necessary to mitigate the human health risks posed by vapors entering overlying structures. An effective vapor barrier system can reduce those risks while lowering the cost of site remediation and expediting construction. Opportunity Zones, many of which are environmentally impacted properties, can be an excellent vehicle for investment and allow developers to generate value for both themselves and local communities. To learn more about our other Opportunity Zones tips, download the eBook.

A New Vapor Barrier with Unparalleled Chemical Resistance
The Land Science research and development team of scientists have invested years in developing the TerraShield vapor barrier system. The innovative use of two separate layers of combined within flexible polyethylene results in the TerraBase layer having >100X greater chemical resistance compared to HDPE (10mil)TerraShield was designed specifically to eliminate risk of exposure by employing innovative technologies to provide best-in-class chemical resistance and durability. Backed by a robust warranty and installed by Land Science-certified applicators, each TerraShield installation is rigorously tested to ensure the quality of every seal and ultimately the complete vapor barrier system installed. Learn more about TerraShield using the link below.

A New Advanced Nitrile Composite Barrier System
 Nitra-Seal employs a chemically resistant nitrile latex. Nitrile is recognized throughout the environmental engineering industry as being chemically resistant and is often used in personal protective equipment when working on hazardous waste sites (e.g. nitrile gloves). Laboratory testing has shown up to 10X higher chemical resistance when compared to any other vapor barrier material on the market. Nitra-Seal has been lab-tested and proven to be highly effective against VOCs like chlorinated solvents and petroleum contaminants, and methane. Learn more about Nitra-Seal using the below.
A Cost-Effective Barrier with Superior Constructability
  MonoShield is a chemically resistant and easy-to-apply barrier specifically designed as a preemptive solution for vapor intrusion at brownfield redevelopment sites. It is backed by unparalleled design support and a network of certified applicators who can ensure quality installtion. As with any construction project, but especially with regards to a voluntary preemptive action, cost is often a critical factor; MonoShield was designed with this in mind. One of the most significant advantages is reduced installation time. MonoShield can be installed 30-40% faster than alternate plastic sheeting or HDPE systems. This saves money by reducing contractor costs and shortening the development timeline. Learn more about MonoShield using the link below.
The Original Composite Barrier System Adapted from Waterproofing Materials
  Geo-Seal is a sub-slab composite barrier system designed for waterproofing and adapted for use in blocking low concentrations of chemical vapors on brownfield sites. Geo-Seal is placed between the building foundation and the soil pad to minimize water vapors and minor concentrations of chemical vapors from permeating through the slab. Geo-Seal is rapidly applied and a broad certified applicator network is available. Learn more about Geo-Seal using the link below.

As risk standards and other compliance issues associated with contaminant vapor intrusion continually evolve, engineered controls like those offered by Land Science provide a practical, cost effective solution to eliminate risks. Recent advances in contaminant vapor intrusion mitigation developed by Land Science have assisted developers, engineering firms, regulators, and land owners by providing technically sound solutions effectively mitigating these issues. Download the brochure to learn more about vapor intrusion solutions.