Brad Parish, P.G., Senior Hydrogeologist with Apex Companies LLC

January 2021 Land Science Newsletter

Brad Parish, P.G., Senior Hydrogeologist with Apex Companies LLC

When it comes to working with Land Science, Brad Parish, P.G., Senior Hydrogeologist with Apex Companies LLC, is most impressed with the company’s involvement on product selection based on an array of project needs and budget parameters. He shares an example, “On a recent project, I asked Land Science to develop a repair sequence for a large vapor barrier and passive venting system that was fairly unique. Not only did they provide recommendations for a proper repair sequence, they actually developed the sequence for inclusion in our design for permitting by the local authority, providing significant savings to our client.”

Brad Parish, P.G., Senior Hydrogeologist with Apex Companies LLC


TerraShield Installed as Part of LSSU’s State-of-the-Art Center for Freshwater Research & Education

The Center for Freshwater Research and Education at Lake Superior State University (LSSU) in Michigan was undergoing a $14.5 million expansion to replace its successful aquatic research lab. Tri-Media Environmental & Engineering’s Maura Pliska, the environmental project manager working with LSSU, recommended TerraShield Aluminum Nitrile Vapor Barrier to ensure a safe and healthy environment for LSSU’s learning community. Balancing the concerns of cost, speed and effectiveness, TerraShield was chosen because it offers the highest level of chemical resistance of any vapor barrier on the market today, protecting against any possible level of vapor intrusion.

The TerraShield vapor mitigation system was installed at LSSU’s research center successfully. With TerraShield installed as part of the development, faculty, staff and students are assured of the highest available level of protection from vapor intrusion for years to come and the community benefits from a world class research center serving Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and beyond.

Superior Chemical Resistance Over Any Vapor Barrier On The Market Today

TerraShield is a significant step forward for vapor intrusion barriers. Employing an innovative metalized film technology in combination with a versatile spray-applied nitrile core, TerraShield provides superior chemical resistance over any existing vapor barrier currently on the market. It is the ideal vapor mitigation solution for residential, industrial, and commercial developments with volatile contaminant impacts that represent significant health hazards and economic liabilities.

Download the eBook to Learn More About Best-In-Class Contaminant Vapor Intrusion Protection

TerraShield is a significant step forward for vapor intrusion barriers. Employing an innovative metalized film technology in combination with a versatile spray-applied nitrile core, TerraShield provides superior chemical resistance over any existing vapor barrier currently on the market. It is the ideal vapor mitigation solution for residential, industrial, and commercial developments with volatile contaminant impacts that represent significant health hazards and economic liabilities. To learn more about the benefits of TerraShield, download the eBook.

Vapor Intrusion Webinar – Sign up today!

In this webinar we are pleased to have as a special guest speaker Tom Hatton, CEO of Clean Vapor LLC. His presentation will discuss subjective standards and the long-term liability of vapor intrusion. He will be joined by Jordan Knight, Central Region Manager of Land Science, who will share advanced vapor mitigation barrier technologies that can be incorporated into vapor mitigation system (VMS) designs to minimize the long-term liability that often comes with contaminated site redevelopment. This webinar starts Tues., January 19th, 2021 at 11am pacific/2pm eastern.

About the Presenters:

Tom Hatton
CEO, Clean Vapor LLC

Tom Hatton, CEO of Clean Vapor LLC, a highly sought-after speaker, consultant, and vapor mitigation system designer, pours over 30-years of knowledge and expertise into every project. You get the benefit of his unparalleled knowledge and insight into how environmental conditions and building dynamics lead to vapor intrusion. As a co-author and contributor to many state and national mitigation standards and guidance documents, Tom leads LSRPs, PEs, and building owners through the increasingly complex regulatory landscape on vapor intrusion projects.



Jordan Knight
Central Region Manager, Land Science

Jordan Knight is the Central Region Manager for Land Science. She provides technical support to engineering and consulting firms within her 22-state territory in the design and installation of vapor mitigation systems. Her role also includes educating the environmental community on advancements in vapor intrusion barrier technology, implementation, and quality control. Prior to joining Land Science, Jordan attended graduate school at Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs.

A new indoor sports training facility in Michigan includes two open-field playing areas, encompassing approximately 20,000 square feet. The facility was constructed near a former landfill, and a combination of soil gases act as potential vapor intrusion sources, including methane, petroleum hydrocarbons, and chlorinated solvents. The building’s foundation consists of caissons with grade beams in the areas spanning the waste material and trench footings along the edges. The engineering consultant, SME, compared the soil gas results to the listed screening levels to support the design of the vapor mitigation system. The project development team selected MonoShield® over a 20-mil, taped-seam vapor barrier due to its superior chemical resistance and quality control testing by a Land Science certified applicator, making the application more efficient and providing a high degree of confidence to the project stakeholders.



MonoShield is a chemically resistant and easy-to-apply barrier specifically designed as a preemptive solution for vapor intrusion at brownfield redevelopment sites. It is backed by unparalleled design support, standard industry warranty, and a network of certified applicators who can ensure quality installation. To learn why developers are increasingly turning to MonoShield for a fast and cost-effective preemptive vapor mitigation solution, download the brochure.

5 Reasons to Consider a Preemptive Vapor Barrier to Protect Your Property Investment


Historically, easily-punctured thin-mil plastic sheets or inflexible and difficult-to-seal High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Barriers were the only option for vapor mitigation at large warehouses or sites where regulatory requirements were not a driving risk factor. These solutions offered either chemical resistance or constructability, but not both. Composed of an innovative, metalized film, MonoShield sets the standard for preventing diffusion and permeation of chemical vapors. Its nitrile-based asphalt latex ensures a seal far more effective and easier to apply than tape-based or heat-welded systems. Download the ebook to learn more.

Get Started Today

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.


Copyright © 2019 REGENESIS, All rights reserved.
1011 Calle Sombra
San Clemente, CA 92673
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Land Science Sheds Light on How Office Worker Migration Trends Intensify Vapor Intrusion Concerns

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The “new normal” for office workers post-COVID-19 is expected to look very different from today’s landscape, with leading experts projecting a move away from traditional high-rise offices toward new construction of low-rise industrial parks that enable continued social distancing. Land Science, a division of REGENESIS, is actively addressing the increased vapor intrusion risk resulting from the rising trend in new office park construction on brownfields and other environmentally distressed properties—in an aim to mitigate the long-term health risks these contaminants pose to workers.

COVID-19 is Driving a Trend Away from Traditional Office Workspaces
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a dramatic shift in workplace geography as workers moved from centralized office locations to home-based offices. Stanford economist Nicholas Bloom, a leading researcher studying the work-from-home trend, notes: “[An] incredible 42 percent of the U.S. labor force is now working from home full time.” Bloom also suggests that new office building construction will be altered post-COVID-19 based on an increased desire for social distancing. He states, “instead of building more office skyscrapers – which has been the dominant theme over the past 40 years – I predict that COVID-19 will dramatically shift the trend to industrial parks with low-rise buildings.”

The predicted shift to new office spaces at former industrial parks matches established construction trends in the residential and mixed-use building sectors. Due to inexpensive land, tax credits and other incentives, redevelopment of these former brownfields into living and retail space has been robust during the past decade.

Increase in Risks to Exposure of Potential Toxic Chemical Vapors
This office worker migration trend will result in a significant increased risk for worker exposure to potentially toxic chemical vapors left behind from past industrial activity. Chemical vapors are formed when substances containing chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons or other volatile compounds commonly used in industry are spilled or improperly disposed of. Over time, these chemicals migrate through soil, contaminating groundwater and forming chemical vapor plumes.

Building occupants might be at risk of exposure to indoor air containing these vapors if a building is constructed within a contaminant vapor plume footprint. Inhalation of chemical vapors is often hazardous to human health, even at indoor air concentrations not detected by smell.

Effective Contaminant Vapor Barriers Address Risk
Land Science’s vapor intrusion mitigation systems incorporate the latest technological advances to offer the highest chemical protection available. These advanced systems comprise patented, state-of-the-art materials, including metalized films and nitrile-modified asphalt sealants that offer up to one-hundred times more chemical protection than other vapor intrusion mitigation systems like plastic sheets with taped seams and spray-applied waterproofing “boots.”

While offering the highest level of protection against vapor intrusion, these systems are often easier and faster to install and are priced competitively. Brownfield property developers are rapidly increasing the incorporation of these systems into their building plans as a means to address any potential vapor intrusion risk, known or unknown, and to ensure development stays on schedule.

Preemptive Installation May Be Less Expensive Than Investigation and Monitoring
A vapor mitigation system’s cost is insignificant relative to a new building project, and Land Science’s certified applicators can install these advanced systems quickly without delaying construction.

Comparative cost analyses have shown that it is often less expensive to proactively install a contaminant vapor barrier rather than investigate and monitor whether it is needed. Once installed, these vapor mitigation systems provide a high level of assurance for personal safety. According to the U.S. EPA’s Brownfields Technology Primer: “Incorporating relatively inexpensive mitigation (prevention) techniques into the construction of new buildings, rather than retrofitting them later, will result in significant cost savings and help avoid the occurrence of vapor intrusion in the future.”

ABOUT REGENESIS and LAND SCIENCE: Founded in 1994, REGENESIS is an expert provider of in situ soil, groundwater, and vapor intrusion remediation products and services. Land Science, a division of REGENESIS, offers a full line of vapor intrusion mitigation technologies and is the safe and effective choice for leading engineering, construction, and environmental consulting firms serving a broad range of clients, including developers, insurance companies, manufacturers, municipalities, regulatory agencies, and federal, state and local governments.

©2021 All rights reserved. REGENESIS and PlumeStop, are registered trademarks of Regenesis Bioremediation Products Inc.


Leslie Licano, Beyond Fifteen Communications, Inc.; 949.733.8679

Mike Schultz, P.E., Partner and Principal Engineer with SKA Consulting, L.P.

December 2020 Land Science Newsletter

Mike Schultz, P.E., Partner and Principal Engineer with SKA Consulting, L.P.

Mike Schultz, Principal Engineer with SKA Consulting, L.P. has a 16-year track record of success with SKA, and an environmental remediation career that spans more than 30 years. Schultz continues to be driven by the gratification that comes from seeing first-hand how effective teamwork and environmental technology can work together to provide posittive impacts on our environment. He shares, “As a firm, SKA brings together environmental and regulatory strategies to achieve unique solutions for our clients, and we want to be part of solving problems in a client’s plan for a project.” Learn more in our client spotlight.

Mike Schultz, P.E., Partner and Principal Engineer with SKA Consulting, L.P.

Terrashield Chosen for Electrical Substation as Safest Most Cost Effective Vapor Barrier Solution

In Sacramento, CA, Roebbelen Contracting Inc. was engaged by their client to build an electrical substation in the downtown area. Due to extensive industrial use at the site historically, heavy subsurface contamination posed a significant vapor intrusion risk. As a result, the development was in need of an effective vapor mitigation system as part of the construction project. The environmental consultant at the site recommended TerraShield from Land Science. TerraShield offers the highest level of chemical resistance because of its nitrile asphalt latex spray-applied core and metalized film, providing the highest level of protection from contaminant vapors available on the market today.


Superior Chemical Resistance Over Any Vapor Barrier On The Market Today

TerraShield is a significant step forward for vapor intrusion barriers. Employing an innovative dual-metalized film technology in combination with a versatile spray-applied nitrile core, TerraShield provides superior chemical resistance over any existing vapor barrier currently on the market. It is the ideal vapor mitigation solution for residential, industrial, and commercial developments with volatile contaminant impacts that represent significant health hazards and economic liabilities.


Download the eBook to Learn More About Best-In-Class Contaminant Vapor Intrusion Protection

TerraShield is a significant step forward for vapor intrusion barriers. Employing an innovative dual-metalized film technology in combination with a versatile spray-applied nitrile core, TerraShield provides superior chemical resistance over any existing vapor barrier currently on the market. It is the ideal vapor mitigation solution for residential, industrial, and commercial developments with volatile contaminant impacts that represent significant health hazards and economic liabilities. To learn more about the benefits of TerraShield, download the eBook.

Vapor Intrusion Solutions in the News!

The new lineup of vapor intrusion mitigation technologies from Land Science is making waves throughout the environmental industry. The use of nitrile-advanced latex and metalized films is providing the most protection available to the industry. As a result, these cutting edge vapor mitigation tools are creating buzz in the news. A new article by Hieu Nguyen discusses how these new technologies greatly improve safety when applied using vapor barrier installation best practices.


More Land Science in the News:

The Past, Present and Future of Vapor Intrusion Barriers

Read article here



REGENESIS Expands U.S. Manufacturing and Distribution Operations with New Facility in Tennessee

Read article here



REGENESIS Announces Full-Suite of Innovative, Chemically Resistant Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Barriers; Retiring Geo-Seal From Its Line

Read article here



The Science Behind the Number One Contaminant Vapour Barrier System

Read article here

A former brownfield site in northeastern New Jersey was targeted for redevelopment. The past industrial activities resulted in chlorinated solvent and petroleum hydrocarbon releases into the subsurface, resulting in persistent, low-level soil gas vapors that would need to be addressed in order to move forward with the multi-family residence construction. The engineering consultant recommended installing a vapor mitigation system (VMS) to the development team to ensure safe indoor air for future residents. To keep pace with this fast-moving development project, the team chose Nitra-Seal® which incorporates a spray-applied nitrile-advanced asphalt latex creating an effective seal around the footings and utility penetrations while maintaining installation efficiency.


Nitra-Seal Incorporates a Nitrile-Modified Spray Applied Core for Greater Contamiant Vapor Protection


Nitra-Seal® is a new advanced nitrile composite barrier system. It represents an update/improvement on current vapor barrier systems. An acknowledged weakness in these systems is in the penetration and perimeter termination locations, where spray-applied core material composed of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) latex/asphalt is used. Nitra-Seal offers a substantial upgrade as it employs a more chemically resistant nitrile latex instead of the more susceptible SBR latex. Nitra-Seal is a composite system creating the ideal blend between constructability and chemical resistance by using both high density polyethylene (HDPE) and nitrile-advanced, spray-applied asphalt core. Learn more and download the product brochure below.


Download Brochure: Nitra-Seal Advanced Vapor Barrier

Nitra-Seal employs a chemically resistant nitrile latex. Nitrile is recognized throughout the environmental engineering industry as being chemically resistant and is often used in personal protective equipment when working on hazardous waste sites (e.g. nitrile gloves). Laboratory testing has shown up to 10X higher chemical resistance when compared to any other vapor barrier material on the market. Download the brochure to learn more about Nitra-Seal.

The Science Behind Vapor Barriers Offering the Highest Level of Chemical Resistance

Land Science offers the most advanced technologies designed to mitigate vapor intrusion. The use of nitrile-advanced latex and metalized films are providing the most protection available to the industry. TerraShield, MonoShield, and Nitra-Seal deliver best-in-class results, including a higher level of chemical resistance and superior constructability. Environmental professionals are also now turning to MonoShield, a new preemptive vapor barrier at large warehouses and brownfield redevelopment sites.

Get Started Today

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.

Copyright © 2020 REGENESIS, All rights reserved.
1011 Calle Sombra
San Clemente, CA 92673
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November 2020 Land Science Newsletter

Mario Sternad, Senior Engineer with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

Mario Sternad, Senior Engineer with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., draws immense satisfaction from providing effective solutions to address contaminants in our ever-changing environment. His responsibilities include in-situ cleanup technologies for soil vapor, soil, and groundwater, as well as vapor intrusion and vapor barrier design. He shares, “I prepare RIFS, RAPs and WPs for soil and groundwater remediation of VOCs, chlorinated solvents, hydrocarbons, petroleum, metals, and pesticides.” In addition, Sternad acts as a Stantec design lead and advisor during field work and construction, system and process development, and equipment design.


Mario Sternad, Senior Engineer with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

Vapors Effectively Mitigated in Houston Arts District

Sawyer Yards is an apartment community located in Houston’s vibrant Arts District neighborhood. Chlorinated solvents were detected in soil gas, posing a potential vapor intrusion risk to future residents. The original vapor mitigation system (VMS) specification called for a single layer barrier with taped seams. However, the building’s foundation contained many utility penetrations and terminations, requiring numerous taped seams. These taped seams significantly reduce application efficiency and ultimately result in potential barrier weak points. In contrast, MonoShield® incorporates a spray-applied nitrile-advanced asphalt latex, offering superior application efficiency with unmatched chemical resistance.
Vapors Effectively Mitigated in Houston Arts District


Why Smart Developers are Choosing MonoShield

MonoShield is a chemically resistant and easy-to-apply barrier specifically designed as a preemptive solution for vapor intrusion at brownfield redevelopment sites. It is backed by unparalleled design support, standard industry warranty, and a network of certified applicators who can ensure quality installation. To learn why developers are increasingly turning to MonoShield for a fast and cost-effective preemptive vapor mitigation solution, download the brochure.
Why Smart Developers are Choosing MonoShield


5 Reasons to Consider a Preemptive Vapor Barrier to Protect Your Property Investment

 5 Reasons to Consider a Preemptive Vapor Barrier to Protect Your Property Investment

Historically, easily-punctured thin-mil plastic sheets or inflexible and difficult-to-seal High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Barriers were the only option for vapor mitigation at large warehouses or sites where regulatory requirements were not a driving risk factor. These solutions offered either chemical resistance or constructability, but not both. Composed of an innovative, metalized-film, MonoShield sets the standard for preventing diffusion and permeation of chemical vapors. Its nitrile-based asphalt latex ensures a seal far more effective and easier to apply than tape-based or heat-welded systems. Download the ebook to learn more.

 5 Reasons to Consider a Preemptive Vapor Barrier to Protect Your Property Investment

A Growing Manufacturing Company Brings New Jobs to Lansing Area Following Retro-Coat Treatment

A growing manufacturer looking to expand its operations purchased a vacant industrial facility in Lansing, Michigan, where chlorinated solvents were used and spilled into the subsurface. The environmental consultant was asked to address the suspected vapor intrusion concerns resulting from the former industrial operations. In working with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE), the consultant proposed utilizing the Retro-Coat® Vapor Intrusion Coating System, in combination with passive venting, to ensure safe indoor air for the future workers.
A Growing Manufacturing Company Brings New Jobs to Lansing Area Following Retro-Coat Treatment



eBook Providing 10 Reasons to Consider Retro-Coat to Protect Your Property Investment

 eBook Providing 10 Reasons to Consider Retro-Coat to Protect Your Property Investment

 eBook Providing 10 Reasons to Consider Retro-Coat to Protect Your Property InvestmentVapor intrusion occurs when there is migration of vapor-forming chemicals from any subsurface contaminant source into an overlying building. When vapor intrusion is detected, it becomes necessary to design a solution to mitigate the problem. Retro-Coat™, a chemically resistant coating designed to resist aggressive chemical vapors, is a cost-effective technology with many advantages over alternative options for existing structures and has been gaining popularity and acceptance as an effective vapor intrusion mitigation strategy. To learn more about the benefits of Retro-Coat, download the eBook.
 eBook Providing 10 Reasons to Consider Retro-Coat to Protect Your Property Investment

Vapor Intrusion Solutions in the News!

The new lineup of vapor intrusion mitigation technologies from Land Science is making waves throughout the environmental industry. The use of nitrile-advanced latex and metalized films is providing the most protection available to the industry. TerraShield, MonoShield, and Nitra-Seal are delivering best-in-class results, including a higher level of chemical resistance and superior constructability. And environmental professionals are increasingly turning to MonoShield as a new preemptive vapor risk mitigation solution at large warehouses and brownfield redevelopment sites. As a result, these new products are creating buzz in the news. of environmental remediation and vapor intrusion mitigation.


Land Science in the News:


  The Past, Present and Future of Vapor Intrusion Barriers Read article here


REGENESIS Expands U.S. Manufacturing and Distribution Operations with New Facility in Tennessee Read article here



REGENESIS Announces Full-Suite of Innovative, Chemically Resistant Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Barriers; Retiring Geo-Seal From Its Line Read article here



The Science Behind the Number One Contaminant Vapour Barrier System Read article here

Get Started Today

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.

Copyright © 2020 REGENESIS, All rights reserved.
1011 Calle Sombra
San Clemente, CA 92673
update your preferences


November 2020 Land Science Newsletter

Mario Sternad, Senior Engineer with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

Mario Sternad, Senior Engineer with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., draws immense satisfaction from providing effective solutions to address contaminants in our ever-changing environment. His responsibilities include in-situ cleanup technologies for soil vapor, soil, and groundwater, as well as vapor intrusion and vapor barrier design. He shares, “I prepare RIFS, RAPs and WPs for soil and groundwater remediation of VOCs, chlorinated solvents, hydrocarbons, petroleum, metals, and pesticides.” In addition, Sternad acts as a Stantec design lead and advisor during field work and construction, system and process development, and equipment design.


Mario Sternad, Senior Engineer with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

Vapors Effectively Mitigated in Houston Arts District

Sawyer Yards is an apartment community located in Houston’s vibrant Arts District neighborhood. Chlorinated solvents were detected in soil gas, posing a potential vapor intrusion risk to future residents. The original vapor mitigation system (VMS) specification called for a single layer barrier with taped seams. However, the building’s foundation contained many utility penetrations and terminations, requiring numerous taped seams. These taped seams significantly reduce application efficiency and ultimately result in potential barrier weak points. In contrast, MonoShield® incorporates a spray-applied nitrile-advanced asphalt latex, offering superior application efficiency with unmatched chemical resistance.
Vapors Effectively Mitigated in Houston Arts District


Why Smart Developers are Choosing MonoShield

MonoShield is a chemically resistant and easy-to-apply barrier specifically designed as a preemptive solution for vapor intrusion at brownfield redevelopment sites. It is backed by unparalleled design support, standard industry warranty, and a network of certified applicators who can ensure quality installation. To learn why developers are increasingly turning to MonoShield for a fast and cost-effective preemptive vapor mitigation solution, download the brochure.
Why Smart Developers are Choosing MonoShield


5 Reasons to Consider a Preemptive Vapor Barrier to Protect Your Property Investment

 5 Reasons to Consider a Preemptive Vapor Barrier to Protect Your Property Investment

Historically, easily-punctured thin-mil plastic sheets or inflexible and difficult-to-seal High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Barriers were the only option for vapor mitigation at large warehouses or sites where regulatory requirements were not a driving risk factor. These solutions offered either chemical resistance or constructability, but not both. Composed of an innovative, metalized-film, MonoShield sets the standard for preventing diffusion and permeation of chemical vapors. Its nitrile-based asphalt latex ensures a seal far more effective and easier to apply than tape-based or heat-welded systems. Download the ebook to learn more.

 5 Reasons to Consider a Preemptive Vapor Barrier to Protect Your Property Investment

A Growing Manufacturing Company Brings New Jobs to Lansing Area Following Retro-Coat Treatment

A growing manufacturer looking to expand its operations purchased a vacant industrial facility in Lansing, Michigan, where chlorinated solvents were used and spilled into the subsurface. The environmental consultant was asked to address the suspected vapor intrusion concerns resulting from the former industrial operations. In working with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE), the consultant proposed utilizing the Retro-Coat® Vapor Intrusion Coating System, in combination with passive venting, to ensure safe indoor air for the future workers.
A Growing Manufacturing Company Brings New Jobs to Lansing Area Following Retro-Coat Treatment



eBook Providing 10 Reasons to Consider Retro-Coat to Protect Your Property Investment

 eBook Providing 10 Reasons to Consider Retro-Coat to Protect Your Property Investment

 eBook Providing 10 Reasons to Consider Retro-Coat to Protect Your Property InvestmentVapor intrusion occurs when there is migration of vapor-forming chemicals from any subsurface contaminant source into an overlying building. When vapor intrusion is detected, it becomes necessary to design a solution to mitigate the problem. Retro-Coat™, a chemically resistant coating designed to resist aggressive chemical vapors, is a cost-effective technology with many advantages over alternative options for existing structures and has been gaining popularity and acceptance as an effective vapor intrusion mitigation strategy. To learn more about the benefits of Retro-Coat, download the eBook.
 eBook Providing 10 Reasons to Consider Retro-Coat to Protect Your Property Investment

Vapor Intrusion Solutions in the News!

The new lineup of vapor intrusion mitigation technologies from Land Science is making waves throughout the environmental industry. The use of nitrile-advanced latex and metalized films is providing the most protection available to the industry. TerraShield, MonoShield, and Nitra-Seal are delivering best-in-class results, including a higher level of chemical resistance and superior constructability. And environmental professionals are increasingly turning to MonoShield as a new preemptive vapor risk mitigation solution at large warehouses and brownfield redevelopment sites. As a result, these new products are creating buzz in the news. of environmental remediation and vapor intrusion mitigation.


Land Science in the News:


  The Past, Present and Future of Vapor Intrusion Barriers Read article here


REGENESIS Expands U.S. Manufacturing and Distribution Operations with New Facility in Tennessee Read article here



REGENESIS Announces Full-Suite of Innovative, Chemically Resistant Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Barriers; Retiring Geo-Seal From Its Line Read article here



The Science Behind the Number One Contaminant Vapour Barrier System Read article here

Get Started Today

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.

Copyright © 2020 REGENESIS, All rights reserved.
1011 Calle Sombra
San Clemente, CA 92673
update your preferences


October 2020 Land Science Newsletter

Paul French, Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist with Envirologic Technologies, Inc.

With a career in environmental remediation that spans nearly 35 years, Paul French, Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist with Envirologic Technologies, Inc., has seen first-hand how the industry has evolved from an emphasis on groundwater and cleanup to a vapor intrusion focus. As a 28-year veteran with Envirologic, French finds himself utilizing much of today’s evolving technology as he fulfills a role as the company’s in-house specialist for vapor intrusion, which includes responsibilities involving the design, installation, and operation of vapor mitigation systems for Envirologic and its clients. Read more in our client spotlight.


Paul French, Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist with Envirologic Technologies, Inc.

TerraShield Protects Future Occupants from Harmful Vapor Intrusion Making Way for Development of Auto Manufacturer’s HQ

A large automotive and supply company planned to build its new corporate headquarters on a 4.5-acre brownfield site recently acquired in Southfield, MI. Soil and groundwater sampling on the property revealed the presence of trichloroethylene (TCE) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). TCE was also identified in soil gas beneath the site. Within the footprint of the planned building itself, contaminant concentrations were found to be in excess of applicable indoor air quality screening levels. Recognizing the unique characteristics of the site as well as the significant levels of contamination present, Envirologic centered their vapor mitigation strategy on the installation of TerraShield Aluminum Nitrile Vapor Barrier with fan-assisted sub-slab ventilation.



TerraShield Provides the Highest Level of Protection Against Contaminant Vapor Intrusion

When developing properties on sites with known environmental impacts, one of the biggest issues is the risk to human health. Failure to address these issues can result in adverse health effects and millions of dollars in legal exposure. TerraShield was designed specifically to eliminate risk of exposure by employing innovative technologies to provide best-in-class chemical resistance and durability. TerraShield offers a higher level of protection compared to any vapor barrier system available today. With industry- leading standards for installation along with robust warranty options, there is simply no better option on the market for industrial, commercial, or residential vapor intrusion mitigation. Watch the video to learn more about TerraShield.

Superior Chemical Resistance Over Any Vapor Barrier On The Market Today

TerraShield is a significant step forward for vapor intrusion barriers. Employing an innovative dual-metalized film technology in combination with a versatile spray-applied nitrile core, TerraShield provides superior chemical resistance over any existing vapor barrier currently on the market. It is the ideal vapor mitigation solution for residential, industrial, and commercial developments with volatile contaminant impacts that represent significant health hazards and economic liabilities.

Nitra-Seal Applied as Preemptive Vapor Mitigation Solution for National Restaurant Chain

National quick-service restaurant chains are looking for creative, efficient, and cost-effective ways to redevelop brownfield properties. This project development site is a newly opened quick-service restaurant in Conyers, Georgia. Offsite chemical spills from historical operations had resulted in low-level volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released to the subsurface, creating a potential for vapors to intrude into new buildings constructed in the affected area. Recognizing the risk and placing emphasis on future workers’ safety, the forward-thinking client decided that a preemptive measure be instituted, requiring the installation of a vapor mitigation system as part of the construction specification.

A Proven Vapor Barrier System Now Improved With Nitrile

Nitra-Seal® is a new advanced nitrile composite barrier system. It represents an update/improvement on current vapor barrier systems. An acknowledged weakness in these systems is in the penetration and perimeter termination locations, where spray-applied core material composed of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) latex/asphalt is used. Nitra-Seal offers a substantial upgrade as it employs a more chemically resistant nitrile latex instead of the more susceptible SBR latex. Nitra-Seal is a composite system creating the ideal blend between constructability and chemical resistance by using both high density polyethylene (HDPE) and nitrile-advanced, spray-applied asphalt core. Learn more and download the product brochure below.

Download Brochure: Nitra-Seal Advanced Vapor Barrier

Nitra-Seal employs a chemically resistant nitrile latex. Nitrile is recognized throughout the environmental engineering industry as being chemically resistant and is often used in personal protective equipment when working on hazardous waste sites (e.g. nitrile gloves). Laboratory testing has shown up to 10X higher chemical resistance when compared to any other vapor barrier material on the market. Download the brochure to learn more about Nitra-Seal.

Vapor Intrusion Webinar – Recording now available!

In this webinar we are pleased to have a special presentation by Scott Wilson, President & CEO of REGENESIS and Land Science, and Ryan Miller, East Region Manager for Land Science. They discussed the evolution of vapor barrier technology, as well as best practices for successful vapor barrier implementation.

About the Presenters:

Scott Wilson
President & CEO, REGENESIS and Land Science

Scott Wilson has extensive experience in the development and application of advanced technologies for groundwater and soil restoration and vapor intrusion mitigation. He is a widely published expert with over 30 years’ experience designing, installing and operating a broad range of remediation technologies. Mr. Wilson has expertise in project management and has directed the successful completion of large industrial remediation programs under State and Federal regulatory frameworks. At REGENESIS, on specific projects, he plays an active role in technical oversight and program management to ensure conformance with customer expectations. Mr. Wilson received a M.S. from the University of Texas at El Paso, a B.A. from the University of San Diego and an M.B.A. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.Superfund sites.

Ryan Miller
East Region Manager, Land Science

Ryan Miller is the East Region Manager for Land Science®, a division of REGENESIS, Inc. Ryan’s role includes providing technical support in the design and installation of TerraShield, Nitra-Seal, MonoShield, Geo-Seal and Retro-Coat vapor mitigation systems, and educating the environmental community on advancements in vapor intrusion barrier technology, implementation, and quality control. Ryan has extensive experience in the environmental consulting industry, most recently working on brownfield redevelopment projects and specializing in vapor intrusion mitigation. Ryan earned a MBA from Montclair State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Studies from Siena College.

Visit Us at These Virtual Events!

REGENESIS and Land Science will be exhibiting and presenting at the upcoming AEHS 36th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water, and Energy – A VIRTUAL CONFERENCE on October 19-23, 2020. Proud to be a major sponsor and feature three session moderators, we look forward to connecting with some of the best in the industry to help advance the science of environmental remediation and vapor intrusion mitigation.

Land Science at AEHS:

Ryan Miller
East Region Manager, Land Science

PRESENTER – Vapor Barrier Technology Incorporating Aluminum Film and Nitrile-Modified Asphalt Core Reduces Installation Time by 40%

We are excited to announce that REGENESIS and Land Science will be exhibiting at and sponsoring NEBC’s Northwest Remediation Conference, a virtual event that is at the forefront of the region’s cleanup and property development industry. As a Gold Sponsor and Exhibitor, we look forward to connecting with environmental professionals to discuss the most protective vapor intrusion mitigation technologies available on the market today.

Get Started Today

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.

Copyright © 2020 REGENESIS, All rights reserved.
1011 Calle Sombra
San Clemente, CA 92673
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Regenesis Expands

REGENESIS Expands U.S. Manufacturing and Distribution Operations

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–REGENESIS, the recognized leader in soil and groundwater remediation solutions and vapor intrusion mitigation technologies, is proud to announce it has expanded its operations to include a new state-of-the-art manufacturing and distribution warehouse strategically located outside of Nashville, Tenn. Enhancing the production and warehousing of its Land Science division’s full-suite of vapor mitigation technologies and REGENESIS’ soil and groundwater remediation solutions offers clients greater flexibility, while providing improved control over delivery times due to the facility’s central location.

“REGENESIS and Land Science have established a reputation for going above and beyond in the service of our clients”

The facility spans six acres and offers 70,000 square feet of office, lab and warehousing space. REGENESIS is investing significant time and money in retrofitting the former brownfield site (which previously housed a wire manufacturing operation) with the latest in temperature-controlled storage, a QA/QC lab and milling capabilities, among other key features. In addition, REGENESIS is committed to improving the site with green initiatives that include reforesting the land.

“Keeping pace with demand for our popular and effective environmental solutions made the decision to expand a simple one,” Scott Wilson, president and CEO of REGENESIS and Land Science, explains. “Our clients have come to expect exceptional service and proven results and we believe the new facility positions us well for continued growth and future demand. Plus, this new facility’s central location will allow us to reach two-thirds of the U.S. population within two days.”

The expansion is also a response to the growing market for Land Science’s technologies. In just the last year, Land Science, the industry leader in vapor intrusion mitigation solutions, announced a new and greatly improved suite of vapor barrier systems that offer up to 100 times the chemical resistance of other barrier systems on the market. The new products address a wide spectrum of sites and offer the safest and most-effective vapor barrier solutions currently available. More than five million square feet have been installed to date.

REGENESIS’ popular PlumeStop micron-scale activated carbon technology designed to inhibit the spread of contaminant plumes has also driven the need to expand. PlumeStop is the only in situ amendment effectively addressing PFAS risk. It can be applied under low-pressure injection, which solves the problem of excessive costs incurred with pump and treat systems. Through the use of a proprietary organic polymer dispersion chemistry, the activated carbon achieves high distribution through the subsurface and removes contaminants like PFAS rapidly from groundwater.

Committed to delivering the safest, most effective remediation solutions on the market, REGENESIS is dedicated to ensuring on-time delivery and quality control, while continuing to push the envelope on improving performance and ease of installation across its environmental solutions. Its new cutting-edge manufacturing and distribution facility reflects its commitment to excellence.

“REGENESIS and Land Science have established a reputation for going above and beyond in the service of our clients,” concludes Wilson. “Our commitment to developing groundbreaking environmental solutions is unparalleled in the industry and we are excited about the next chapter in our company’s history.”

For more information about Land Science’s full line of vapor barrier systems, please visit or reach out to your regional technical representative. For more information about PlumeStop and how it is effectively addressing PFAS, go to

ABOUT REGENESIS and LAND SCIENCE: Founded in 1994, REGENESIS is an expert provider of in situ soil, groundwater and vapor intrusion remediation products and services. Land Science, a division of REGENESIS, offers a full line of vapor intrusion mitigation technologies and is the safe and effective choice for leading engineering, construction and environmental consulting firms serving a broad range of clients, including developers, insurance companies, manufacturers, municipalities, regulatory agencies and federal, state and local governments.

©2020 All rights reserved. PlumeStop, Land Science, and TerraShield, are registered trademarks of Regenesis Bioremediation Products Inc.

September 2020 Land Science Newsletter

Torin Snyder at Rincon Consultants

When Torin Snyder isn’t swimming or being dance-dad extraordinaire, he can be found pursuing another lifelong passion – finding effective, creative solutions to complex environmental issues. Snyder is a principal at Rincon Consultants, Inc., a leading California-based environmental consulting firm. His career path was no surprise to him, as Snyder recalls his interest in the environmental sciences blossoming during his university days. When he began to explore the field as a potential career path, he soon realized environmental site assessment and remediation would provide the ideal avenue to satisy his curiosity.


Client Spotlight: Torin Snyder at Rincon Consultants

Nitra-Seal Applied as Preemptive Vapor Mitigation Solution for National Restaurant Chain

National quick-service restaurant chains are looking for creative, efficient, and cost-effective ways to redevelop brownfield properties. This project development site is a newly opened quick-service restaurant in Conyers, Georgia. Offsite chemical spills from historical operations had resulted in low-level volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released to the subsurface, creating a potential for vapors to intrude into new buildings constructed in the affected area. Recognizing the risk and placing emphasis on future workers’ safety, the forward-thinking client decided that a preemptive measure be instituted, requiring the installation of a vapor mitigation system as part of the construction specification.

A Proven Vapor Barrier System Now Improved With Nitrile

Nitra-Seal® is a new advanced nitrile composite barrier system. It represents an update/improvement on current vapor barrier systems. An acknowledged weakness in these systems is in the penetration and perimeter termination locations, where spray-applied core material composed of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) latex/asphalt is used. Nitra-Seal offers a substantial upgrade as it employs a more chemically resistant nitrile latex instead of the more susceptible SBR latex. Nitra-Seal is a composite system creating the ideal blend between constructability and chemical resistance by using both high density polyethylene (HDPE) and nitrile-advanced, spray-applied asphalt core. Learn more and download the product brochure below.

Download Brochure: Nitra-Seal Advanced Vapor Barrier

Nitra-Seal employs a chemically resistant nitrile latex. Nitrile is recognized throughout the environmental engineering industry as being chemically resistant and is often used in personal protective equipment when working on hazardous waste sites (e.g. nitrile gloves). Laboratory testing has shown up to 10X higher chemical resistance when compared to any other vapor barrier material on the market. Download the brochure to learn more about Nitra-Seal.

6 Reasons To Specify a VI Barrier Offering the Highest Level of Chemical Resistance

When developing properties on sites with known environmental impacts, one of the biggest issues is the risk to human health. Failure to address these issues can result in adverse health effects and millions of dollars in legal exposure. TerraShield was designed specifically to eliminate risk of exposure by employing innovative technologies to provide best-in-class chemical resistance and durability. TerraShield offers a higher level of protection compared to any vapor barrier system available today. With industry-leading standards for installation along with robust warranty options, there is simply no better option on the market for industrial, commercial, or residential vapor intrusion mitigation. Watch the video to learn more about TerraShield.

Download the eBook to Learn More About Best-In-Class Contaminant Vapor Intrusion Protection

TerraShield is a significant step forward for vapor intrusion barriers. Employing an innovative dual-metalized film technology in combination with a versatile spray-applied nitrile core, TerraShield provides superior chemical resistance over any existing vapor barrier currently on the market. It is the ideal vapor mitigation solution for residential, industrial, and commercial developments with volatile contaminant impacts that represent significant health hazards and economic liabilities. To learn more about the benefits of TerraShield, download the eBook.

Vapor Intrusion Webinar – Recording now available!

In this webinar we are pleased to have a special presentation by Scott Wilson, President & CEO of REGENESIS and Land Science, and Ryan Miller, East Region Manager for Land Science. They discussed the evolution of vapor barrier technology, as well as best practices for successful vapor barrier implementation.

About the Presenters:

Scott Wilson
President & CEO, REGENESIS and Land Science

Scott Wilson has extensive experience in the development and application of advanced technologies for groundwater and soil restoration and vapor intrusion mitigation. He is a widely published expert with over 30 years’ experience designing, installing and operating a broad range of remediation technologies. Mr. Wilson has expertise in project management and has directed the successful completion of large industrial remediation programs under State and Federal regulatory frameworks. At REGENESIS, on specific projects, he plays an active role in technical oversight and program management to ensure conformance with customer expectations. Mr. Wilson received a M.S. from the University of Texas at El Paso, a B.A. from the University of San Diego and an M.B.A. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.Superfund sites.

Ryan Miller
East Region Manager, Land Science

Ryan Miller is the East Region Manager for Land Science®, a division of REGENESIS, Inc. Ryan’s role includes providing technical support in the design and installation of TerraShield, Nitra-Seal, MonoShield, Geo-Seal and Retro-Coat vapor mitigation systems, and educating the environmental community on advancements in vapor intrusion barrier technology, implementation, and quality control. Ryan has extensive experience in the environmental consulting industry, most recently working on brownfield redevelopment projects and specializing in vapor intrusion mitigation. Ryan earned a MBA from Montclair State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Studies from Siena College.

Visit Us at These Virtual Events!

REGENESIS and Land Science will be exhibiting and presenting at the upcoming AEHS 36th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water, and Energy – A VIRTUAL CONFERENCE on October 19-23, 2020. Proud to be a major sponsor and feature three session moderators, we look forward to connecting with some of the best in the industry to help advance the science of environmental remediation and vapor intrusion mitigation.

Land Science at AEHS:

Ryan Miller
East Region Manager, Land Science

PRESENTER – Vapor Barrier Technology Incorporating Aluminum Film and Nitrile-Modified Asphalt Core Reduces Installation Time by 40%


We are excited to announce that REGENESIS and Land Science will be exhibiting at and sponsoring NEBC’s Northwest Remediation Conference, a virtual event that is at the forefront of the region’s cleanup and property development industry. As a Gold Sponsor and Exhibitor, we look forward to connecting with environmental professionals to discuss the most protective vapor intrusion mitigation technologies available on the market today.

Get Started Today

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.

Copyright © 2019 REGENESIS, All rights reserved.
1011 Calle Sombra
San Clemente, CA 92673
update your preferences

August 2020 Land Science Newsletter

Frank Poss, Department Manager/Senior Geologist for Intertek-PSI

Ask Frank Poss, Department Manager/Senior Geologist for Intertek-PSI, what he enjoys most about his work, and you will likely learn why he is such a valuable asset to Intertek-PSI. That’s because his role covers such a diverse range of responsibilities and allows him to leverage his nearly 30 years of professional environmental experience. He shares, “I have a plethora of responsibilities. These include the profit and loss of my department, operating Human Resources, managing accounting, and addressing most technical issues. I take pleasure in the fact that I complete something different every day.”


Client Spotlight: Frank Poss, Department Manager/Senior Geologist for Intertek-PSI

Nitra-Seal Specified to Mitigate VOCs for Urban Atlanta Townhome Development

This vapor intrusion mitigation case study produced in partnership with Total Vapor Solutions showcases a creative, cost-effective solution that allowed for construction to proceed on a large-scale multi-phase townhome project. The developer planned to construct nine individual buildings on the site, each ranging from 4,000 to 6,000 square feet, with multiple townhouse units inside. Slab-on-grade foundations were set, but construction could not continue without understanding each building’s vapor intrusion risks and creating a plan to provide reliable protection for future residents.

A Proven Vapor Barrier System Now Improved With Nitrile

Nitra-Seal™ is a new advanced nitrile composite barrier system. It represents an update/improvement on current vapor barrier systems. An acknowledged weakness in these systems is in the penetration and perimeter termination locations, where spray-applied core material composed of Styrene-Butadiene (SB) latex/ asphalt is used. Nitra-Seal offers a substantial upgrade as it employs a more chemically resistant nitrile latex instead of the more susceptible SB latex. Nitra-Seal is a composite system creating the ideal blend between constructability and chemical resistance by using both high density polyethylene (HDPE) and nitrile-advanced, spray-applied asphalt core. Learn more and download the product brochure below.

Download Brochure: Nitra-Seal Advanced Vapor Barrier

Nitra-Seal employs a chemically resistant nitrile latex. Nitrile is recognized throughout the environmental engineering industry as being chemically resistant and is often used in personal protective equipment when working on hazardous waste sites (e.g. nitrile gloves). Laboratory testing has shown up to 10X higher chemical resistance when compared to any other vapor barrier material on the market. Download the brochure to learn more about Nitra-Seal.

Vapor Intrusion Webinar – Recording now available!

In this webinar we were pleased to have as a special guest speaker Mark Quimby, Senior Consultant at SME. His presentation discussed case studies of large sites where an innovative preemptive vapor barrier technology was applied to save time and money. The sites discussed were >500,000 square-feet and used an innovative approach to reduce construction time. He was joined by Ryan Miller, East Region Manager at Land Science, who discussed technologies to mitigate vapor intrusion.

About the Presenters:

Mark Quimby
Senior Consultant, SME

Throughout his 14-year professional career, Mark Quimby, Senior Consultant at SME, a leading regional multi-service engineering and consulting firm and valued Land Science client, has established himself as a top expert in the field of assessing and mitigating petroleum, chlorinated solvents, and methane vapor intrusion sites. During this time, he has designed and installed dozens of vapor intrusion mitigation approaches inclusive of sub slab passive venting, multiple types of vapor barriers, active sub slab depressurization, and passive interceptor trenches. In addition, he has secured and managed over $50 million in local, state, and federal incentives that include grants, loans, tax abatements and credits, and tax increment financing.

Ryan Miller
East Region Manager, Land Science

Ryan Miller is the East Region Manager for Land Science, a division of REGENESIS, Inc. Ryan’s role includes providing technical support in the design and installation of TerraShield, Nitra-Seal, MonoShield and Retro-Coat vapor mitigation systems, and educating the environmental community on advancements in vapor intrusion barrier technology, implementation, and quality control. Ryan has extensive experience in the environmental consulting industry, most recently working on brownfield redevelopment projects and specializing in vapor intrusion mitigation. Ryan earned a MBA from Montclair State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Studies from Siena College.

Sign up for the Webinar on Vapor Barrier Installation

In this webinar we are pleased to have Ryan Miller, East Region Manager for Land Science present. His presentation will discuss vapor intrusion barrier installation best practices and why a quality vapor barrier installation depends on a number of factors for successfully reaching site goals. This live webinar starts Tuesday, September 22nd, at 11am pacific/2pm eastern.

About the Presenter:

Ryan Miller
East Region Manager, Land Science

Ryan Miller is the East Region Manager for Land Science, a division of REGENESIS, Inc. Ryan’s role includes providing technical support in the design and installation of TerraShield, Nitra-Seal, MonoShield and Retro-Coat vapor mitigation systems, and educating the environmental community on advancements in vapor intrusion barrier technology, implementation, and quality control. Ryan has extensive experience in the environmental consulting industry, most recently working on brownfield redevelopment projects and specializing in vapor intrusion mitigation. Ryan earned a MBA from Montclair State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Studies from Siena College.

Get Started Today

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.

Copyright © 2019 REGENESIS, All rights reserved.
1011 Calle Sombra
San Clemente, CA 92673
update your preferences


July newsletter

July 2020 Land Science Newsletter

Ben Alter, Senior Vice President and Principal of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.

Ben Alter, Senior Vice President and Principal of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., a leading environmental engineering and consulting services firm, has amassed a deep reservoir of applied experience, which includes 22 years at GZA, as well as authoring books about the fundamentals of environmental consulting. With a role at GZA that includes meeting prospective clients, entering into contracts with them, and then overseeing that the contracts are executed properly, Alter is in many ways contributing to help sustain our environment, while also impacting the future success of GZA.


Ben Alter, Senior Vice President and Principal of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.

Environmental Consulting Fundamentals

REGENESIS is pleased to present an environmental article series from guest author, Benjamin Alter, leading environmental science author and Senior Vice President with GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. In this four-part series, Ben will provide an in-depth look at Brownfields. The third article is available now.
Environmental Consulting Fundamentals

Environmental Consulting Fundamentals, by Benjamin Alter

Environmental Consulting Fundamentals

The second edition is a primer for those interested in a career in this dynamic, multidisciplinary field as well as a handy reference for practicing consultants. Combining theory and practice advice into a concise, readable format, the book is an accessible introduction to the types of projects you will encounter as an environmental consultant and lays the groundwork for what you’ll need to know in this challenging and rewarding profession. The second addition covers the latest environmental issues, including emerging contaminants.
Environmental Consulting Fundamentals

Land Science Certified Applicator, S&H Installs MonoShield at a Large Construction Build in Texas

Land Science Certified Applicator, S&H Installs MonoShield at a Large Construction Build in Texas

S&H Waterproofing and Construction, LLCThis video shows a time lapse of a MonoShield application by S&H Waterproofing and Construction. MonoShield is a chemically resistant and easy-to-apply barrier specifically designed as a preemptive solution for vapor intrusion at brownfield redevelopment sites. It is backed by unparalleled design support, standard industry warranty, and a network of certified applicators who can ensure quality installation.

Land Science Certified Applicator, S&H Installs MonoShield at a Large Construction Build in Texas

TerraShield Mitigates Vapor Intrusion On Former SoCal
Industrial Site

TerraShield Mitigates Vapor Intrusion On Former SoCal Industrial Site

A former industrial site located in Southern California was targeted for redevelopment and chosen to be developed into a federally funded public site. Historical operations left the original property contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In addition to the presence of these contaminants, new buildings constructed in the area are required to feature a vapor intrusion mitigation system due to the presence of methane gas in the soil, which may eventually enter unprotected buildings on the surface. Because of these factors and the completed site’s intended purpose for public use, an effective vapor mitigation system was necessary.
TerraShield Mitigates Vapor Intrusion On Former SoCal Industrial Site

TerraShield is a Best-In-Class Vapor Barrier System Lab Proven to Protect Against a Wide Range of Contaminant Types

TerraShield is a Best-In-Class Vapor Barrier System Lab Proven to Protect Against a Wide Range of Contaminant Types

TerraShield Aluminum Nitrile Vapor BarrierWhen developing properties on sites with known environmental impacts, one of the biggest issues is the risk to human health. Failure to address these issues can result in adverse health effects and millions of dollars in legal exposure. TerraShield was designed specifically to eliminate risk of exposure by employing innovative technologies to provide best-in-class chemical resistance and durability. TerraShield offers a higher level of protection compared to any vapor barrier system available today. With industry- leading standards for installation along with robust warranty options, there is simply no better option on the market for industrial, commercial, or residential vapor intrusion mitigation. Watch the video to learn more about TerraShield.
TerraShield is a Best-In-Class Vapor Barrier System Lab Proven to Protect Against a Wide Range of Contaminant Types

6 Reasons To Specify a VI Barrier Offering the Highest Level of Chemical Resistance

 6 Reasons To Specify a VI Barrier Offering the Highest Level of Chemical Resistance

TerraShield is a significant step forward for vapor intrusion barriers. Employing an innovative dual-metalized film technology in combination with a versatile spray-applied nitrile core, TerraShield provides superior chemical resistance over any existing vapor barrier currently on the market. It is the ideal vapor mitigation solution for residential, industrial, and commercial developments with volatile contaminant impacts that represent significant health hazards and economic liabilities. To learn more about the benefits of TerraShield, download the eBook.
 6 Reasons To Specify a VI Barrier Offering the Highest Level of Chemical Resistance

Upcoming Vapor Intrusion Webinar – Sign up today!

Upcoming Vapor Intrusion Webinar - Sign up today!

In this webinar we are pleased to have as a special guest speaker Mark Quimby, Senior Consultant at SME. His presentation will discuss case studies of large sites where an innovative preemptive vapor barrier technology was applied to save time and money. The sites discussed are >500,000 square-feet and used an innovative approach to reduce construction time. He will be joined by Ryan Miller, East Region Manager at Land Science, who will discuss technologies to mitigate vapor intrusion.
Upcoming Vapor Intrusion Webinar - Sign up today!

About the Presenters:

Mark Quimby Senior Consultant, SMEMark Quimby
Senior Consultant, SME

Throughout his 14-year professional career, Mark Quimby, Senior Consultant at SME, a leading regional multi-service engineering and consulting firm and valued Land Science client, has established himself as a top expert in the field of assessing and mitigating petroleum, chlorinated solvents, and methane vapor intrusion sites. During this time, he has designed and installed dozens of vapor intrusion mitigation approaches inclusive of sub slab passive venting, multiple types of vapor barriers, active sub slab depressurization, and passive interceptor trenches. In addition, he has secured and managed over $50 million in local, state, and federal incentives that include grants, loans, tax abatements and credits, and tax increment financing.

Ryan Miller East Region Manager, Land ScienceRyan Miller
East Region Manager, Land Science

Ryan Miller is the East Region Manager for Land Science, a division of REGENESIS, Inc. Ryan’s role includes providing technical support in the design and installation of TerraShield, Nitra-Seal, MonoShield and Retro-Coat vapor mitigation systems, and educating the environmental community on advancements in vapor intrusion barrier technology, implementation, and quality control. Ryan has extensive experience in the environmental consulting industry, most recently working on brownfield redevelopment projects and specializing in vapor intrusion mitigation. Ryan earned a MBA from Montclair State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Studies from Siena College.

Get Started Today

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.