New California Residences Safeguarded from Benzene and PCE in Soil Gas
Project snapshot highlights:
- New Apartment Complex on Former UST Site
- Benzene and PCE in Soil Gas
- Nitra-Seal and Passive Venting Offered Lowest-Cost, Long-Term Solution
In Central California, a former commercial site that previously housed underground storage tanks (USTs) is being redeveloped into a new apartment complex. Benzene, tetrachloroethene (PCE), and naphthalene contaminants were detected in the soil gas, creating a potential vapor intrusion (VI) risk. In response, the development team sought a preemptive VI mitigation solution that would not only meet regulatory standards but also be cost-effective and timely to implement. After weighing the available remediation options, Land Science’s Nitra-Seal passive vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) was selected due to its low cost, ease of implementation, and long-term effectiveness.
North Carolina Residential Community Protected by Nitra-Seal
Project snapshot highlights:
- Efficient installation of 134,350 square feet of Nitra-Seal despite challenging weather conditions.
- Successfully met tight construction schedules, saving time and money.
- Ensured long-term protection from contaminants like TCE, benzene, and metals.
A multi-family residential development in North Carolina, constructed near a former industrial area with TCE, benzene, and metal contamination, required a robust vapor barrier to mitigate vapor intrusion risks. The Nitra-Seal Nitrile Advanced Contaminant Vapor Barrier system was chosen for its chemical protection and cost-effectiveness. Despite heavy rains and a complex installation process, 134,350 square feet of Nitra-Seal were installed on schedule by a Land Science Certified Applicator, ensuring future residents’ safety and compliance with regulatory standards.
Nitra-Seal Enables Brownfield Redevelopment
Project snapshot highlights:
- Successfully transformed a historic mill site into affordable housing, ensuring occupant safety from vapor intrusion.
- Demonstrated flexibility in remediation strategies by adapting to specific contaminant concerns.
- Implemented a comprehensive vapor mitigation approach with Nitra-Seal®, proving efficient and cost-effective.
A historic mill site in Greenville, SC, was successfully redeveloped into a residential complex with 214 affordable housing units. The site had trichloroethene (TCE) contamination, and to protect future residents from vapor intrusion risks, a Nitra-Seal Nitrile-Advanced vapor barrier system was installed. The project involved close coordination between Land Science, an environmental consultant, and a certified applicator to ensure efficient installation and compliance with quality standards. The redevelopment provides much-needed housing while repurposing a former brownfield site sustainably.
Vapors Effectively Mitigated at Cold Storage Warehouse Facility
Project snapshot highlights:
- Successfully mitigated vapors at a cold storage warehouse, ensuring occupant safety
- Adapted to a mixed soil gas plume, demonstrating flexibility in remediation strategies
- Implemented a hybrid approach with MonoShield® and Nitra-Seal®, proving cost-competitive and efficient
Tackled vapor intrusion risks at a 220,000 square foot cold storage warehouse in Pennsylvania. Combining chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons, soil gas contamination threatened future occupants. Working closely with the client, Land Science devised a hybrid solution utilizing Nitra-Seal for office areas and MonoShield for the freezer section. Despite pandemic challenges, the successful installation of these systems ensured compliance with safety and environmental regulations, securing the warehouse for industrial use.
Nitra-Seal Ensures Healthy Work Environment at New Electric Vehicle Plant
Project snapshot highlights:
- Major automaker trusts Land Science to proactively address potential vapor intrusion risk
- Nitra-Seal selected because it offered the best economic value for the level of vapor intrusion protection provided
- The new technologically advanced facility creates hundreds of new jobs for Southeast Michigan residents
A leading automobile manufacturer built a new 520,000-square-foot electric vehicle facility on the site of one of its former plants in Detroit, Michigan. The former site had a long history of automotive manufacturing. Considering the site’s history, and the potential for lingering solvent, fuel, or other subsurface chemical impacts, the auto company was proactive in applying a proven and effective contaminant vapor intrusion solution to ensure a healthy working environment for its employees. Ultimately, Nitra Seal® Nitrile-Advanced Contaminant Vapor Barrier with TerraVent™ Low Profile Venting System, was selected by the construction project team, offering the best economic value for the level of VI protection provided. MTN, Inc., a Land Science Certified Applicator, completed the installation with high efficiency, working directly with the concrete subcontractor to meet the scheduled production rate of the Nitra-Seal system installation. Quality assurance and control testing were completed per manufacturer’s specifications, verifying the integrity and proper installation of the contaminant vapor barrier system.
Nitra-Seal Protects Multi-Acre Tampa Logistics Center
Project snapshot highlights:
- 245,000 square foot installation eliminates vapor intrusion threat to future tenants
- Land Science’s technical expertise and support in assisting with the VIMS design were critical factors in the selection process
- High level of vapor intrusion protection ensured for future logistics center workers and office staff
A new, expansive logistics center in Tampa, Florida, was the site of a former brownfield, where past operations left petroleum hydrocarbons and methane contaminants in soil and groundwater. The project required a cost effective solution to mitigate the potential vapor intrusion risk from these contaminants. After reviewing multiple vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) options, the project team ultimately selected the Nitra-Seal® NitrileAdvanced Contaminant Vapor Barrier and TerraVent™ Low Profile Venting System. Nitra-Seal was viewed as the best available, most cost-efficient technology for the large logistics center considering the site conditions and level of contaminant risk. With a foundation approaching a quarter million square feet, and a tight project schedule, Nitra-Seal’s nitrile-modified sprayapplied core results in faster installations, while also providing superior chemical protection, separating it from other VI systems considered. Land Science’s technical expertise and support in assisting with the VIMS design were also critical factors in the selection process.
Nitra-Seal Installed at Large Chicago E-Commerce Distribution Center
Project snapshot highlights:
- Seamless coordination kept the 4.4-acre installation ahead of schedule for the fast-moving project
- 190,000 Square Feet of Nitra-Seal Installed
- New e-commerce distribution center met the IEPA’s TACO guidelines for mitigating the VI exposure pathway and the tenant’s requirements for a healthy built environment
With little to no green sites to develop in the Chicagoland area, many new building projects occur in former industrial areas that have been environmentally impacted. Such was the case for a new 190,000 squarefoot e-commerce distribution center constructed with a Nitra-Seal® Nitrile-Advanced Contaminant Vapor Barrier and TerraVent™ Low Profile Venting System to address the potential for vapor intrusion (VI). The advanced vapor barrier system met the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA’s) Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives (i.e., TACO) for remediating the VI exposure pathway.
Cross-Team Collaboration Moves New Public Library and Town Hall Complex Forward
Case study highlights:
- Former gasoline station transformed into library and town hall complex
- Collaboration between environmental teams eliminates potential exposure
- Threat of vapor intrusion effectively mitigated with Nitra-Seal to enable use of former gas station site
A growing community near Charlotte, North Carolina was seeking a site to construct a new town hall and public library complex. SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, P.C. (SUMMIT) conducted an environmental assessment at the property in April 2020, confirming that petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contamination was present. SUMMIT recommended installing a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) to the property development team, knowing it would be the most effective approach to address PHC contaminant vapors. In considering their options, Nitra-Seal, a state-of-the-art VIMS offering proven chemical resistance and vapor intrusion protection, was selected by the development team.
Tools and Tricks to Solve Non-Traditional Vapor Intrusion Issues
Learn the following in this free webinar:
- When traditional vapor intrusion investigations can not solve more complex or unusual vapor intrusion problems
- Various tools, sampling methods, and field equipment that can help solve these challenges
- A look at several projects that required Total Vapor Solutions to think outside the box
- Advanced vapor mitigation barrier technologies from Land Science
Land Science is pleased to present a webinar with vapor intrusion expert, Jim Fineis P.G., President and Owner of Total Vapor Solutions. During this webinar presentation, Mr. Fineis will discuss tools and tricks to solve non-traditional vapor intrusion issues. He will be joined by Aimee Plowman, Southeast District Manager for Land Science, who will discuss advanced vapor mitigation barrier technologies from Land Science.
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Subjective Standards and the Long-Term Liability of Vapor Intrusion
Learn the following in this free webinar:
- The evolution of the standards process and solutions toward harmonizing best practices in VMS design
- Best technical merits of state guidance documents as well as integrating standardized practices
- How adopting a framework of best design, mitigation and operation maintenance & monitoring (OM&M) practices could promote transparency in performance, documentation, energy efficiency, and limit health and long-term liability risks
- The industry’s most protective vapor barriers featuring metalized films and nitrile-advanced asphalt latex
In this webinar we were pleased to have as a special guest speaker Tom Hatton, CEO of Clean Vapor LLC. His presentation discussed subjective standards and the long-term liability of vapor intrusion. He was joined by Jordan Knight, Central Region Manager of Land Science, who shared advanced vapor mitigation barrier technologies that can be incorporated into vapor mitigation system (VMS) designs to minimize the long-term liability that often comes with contaminated site redevelopment.
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