October 2024 Land Science Newsletter

Case Study | TerraShield Protects New Warehouse Development

Case Study Highlights:

  • TerraShield installed across 265,000 square feet
  • New modern logistics hub in Opportunity Zone
  • Integrity of the mitigation system was confirmed through proper QAQC procedures throughout the installation

Project Snapshot | TerraShield Utilized at Industrial Facility

Project Snapshot Highlights:

  • 16,000 square feet of TerraShield installed
  • TCE impacts at the site required a preemptive mitigation approach to protect future building occupants
  • TerraShield was selected based on its ease of installation and enhanced chemical resistance

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Video | The Science Behind Land Science

Land Science offers the most advanced technologies designed to mitigate vapor intrusion. The use of nitrile-advanced latex and metalized films are providing the most protection available to the industry. TerraShield, MonoShield, and Nitra-Seal deliver best-in-class results, including a higher level of chemical resistance and superior constructability.

Upcoming Event | Meet With Vapor Intrusion Experts

2024 AVIP VI Conference | October 20th – 23rd

Ryan Miller | Director, Land Science

Platform Presentation:
The Use of Epoxy Floor Coatings for Effective VI Mitigation and Site Management

Paul Erickson, PhD | Vice President of Research & Development, REGENESIS

Platform Presentation:
The How and Why of Vapor Barrier Durability

Hieu Nguyen | Principal Engineer, Land Science

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Event | AVIP VI Conference

10/20 – 10/23/2024 | Anaheim, CA

Upcoming Event | AEHS East Coast Conference

10/21 – 10/24/2024 | Amherst, MA

Upcoming Event | Florida Remediation Conference 

11/4 – 11/6/2024 | Orlando, FL

Upcoming Event | NYSCPG Geology Days Conference

11/11 – 11/13/2024 | Saratoga Springs, NY

Have a Vapor Intrusion Project? Get Started Today!

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit landsciencetech.com/contact-us. One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.

TerraShield Protects New Warehouse Development

Case study highlights:

  • New Modern Logistics Hub in Opportunity Zone
  • 265,000 Square Feet of TerraShield Installed

A former metal castings foundry in Southern California, operating since the 1970s, has been redeveloped into a state-of-the-art logistics hub. Over decades, the site’s soil and groundwater were contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as perchloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE). Despite soil vapor extraction (SVE) efforts in 2000 and again in 2012-2013, residual VOCs persisted, posing a potential vapor intrusion risk. In 2023, the redevelopment of the property began with the demolition of the former foundry building. Soil vapor sampling conducted during redevelopment confirmed the need for a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) to prevent any remaining VOCs from intruding into the new building, designed as a modern logistics hub.

TerraShield Utilized at Industrial Facility

Project snapshot highlights:

  • Industrial Facility Expansion Above Zone of TCE Impacts
  • 16,000 Square Feet of TerraShield Installed

New structures are being constructed at an active industrial facility in Ohio undergoing plant expansion. The site is located above a contamination zone where trichloroethene (TCE) has impacted the soil and groundwater, creating a contaminant plume and a vapor intrusion (VI) risk exceeding U.S. EPA’s Industrial VI Standards. To address this potential VI risk, the consulting team aimed to implement a preemptive VI mitigation solution that would meet regulatory requirements without impeding the development schedule. The team selected Land Science’s TerraShield Vapor Barrier due to its high chemical resistance, excellent constructability, and competitive pricing.