November 2019 Land Science Newsletter
October 2019 Land Science Newsletter
Questions?REGENESIS has remediation experts based worldwide to assist you in your brownfield site cleanup. As the technology leader in advanced bioremediation solutions, we can help ensure success on your next remediation project. Use the map on our website to find your regional REGENESIS contact today.
Retro-Coat™ a New Approach to Mitigating Vapor Intrusion at Brownfield Sites with Existing Structures

Recently, at the Eighth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, organized and presented by Battelle, Dr. Ben Mork, the Director of Research and Development at Land Science Technologies (LST), a Division of REGENESIS, Inc. delivered a formal “Technologies for Tomorrow” luncheon presentation which included subject matter on a new vapor intrusion mitigation product called Retro-Coat™. This new technology is part of a suite of successful vapor intrusion solutions, including the widely used vapor intrusion barrier Geo-Seal®, offered by LST and designed for use on a range of contaminated properties including brownfields.
Retro-Coat is a new, specially formulated concrete coating developed to mitigate vapor intrusion in existing structures. The Retro-Coat material is highly effective in mitigating potentially harmful contaminant vapors resulting from chlorinated solvents and/or petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater or soil environments. During the presentation, Dr. Mork went into great detail regarding the research and development process, including the new long-term chemical resistance and testing methodologies developed by LST to document the effectiveness of the Retro-Coat material. He also mentioned that more information will be available regarding the details and testing of Retro-Coat in a forthcoming white paper due out later this summer.
Looking beyond the testing and application, Peter Grant, Division Manager for Land Science Technologies, added, “Vapor intrusion represents a lot of uncertainty for building owners. Retro-Coat provides a simple and proven solution to a complex problem. Implementing Retro-Coat can reduce site characterization cost, building mitigation cost and provide the building owner with greater long-term assurance and flexibility in successfully mitigating their vapor intrusion risk.”
For more information about Retro-Coat please contact your Land Science Technologies Representative Directly at 949-481-8118.