Spencer Cox United Consulting

Client Spotlight: Spencer Cox, Project Environmental Specialist at United Consulting

Spencer Cox with United ConsultingIf you ask Spencer Cox, Project Environmental Specialist at United Consulting, a multidiscipline engineering consulting firm and valued Land Science® partner, what his primary role is at work, you’re likely going to get more than just one answer. That’s because in addition to performing due-diligence assessments on residential, commercial, and industrial properties, he also negotiates properties through the Georgia Brownfields program, conducts Corrective Action Plans for hazardous waste facilities, and performs a host of other important responsibilities that impact the success of United’s diverse client base. Cox shares, “I also supervise and document UST closures, manage hazardous waste remediation, perform air quality modeling, conduct school site hazard analyses and modeling, and conduct asbestos and lead-based-paint analysis.” He continues,  “In addition, I am a technical advisor for field sampling, data analysis, and personnel management, with a specific focus on vapor intrusion.” To prepare for such a diverse range of responsibilities, Cox earned his BS in Biology from Kennesaw State University in Georgia, where he also minored in Stream Ecology. He had developed an interest in environmental sciences as a child, partly because his father works in the forestry and millwork industry, with a focus in sustainability.  He continues, “While in college, like many incoming science-oriented freshmen, I found myself on the pre-med pathway. But my interests changed when I took my first biology course. Soon I was taking every biology and ecology course that the college offered, earning not only a biology degree but a minor in stream ecology too.” Now, with almost 10 years of experience at United Consulting, he believes his contributions are making a difference. Working for a company that strives to reach its long term goals of promoting enhanced ethical professionalism in the industry and continuing its strong customer service focus, with an overarching goal of becoming the premier consulting firm in the Southeast and abroad continues to motivate Cox. With headquarters based in Norcross, Georgia, United Consulting offers extensive experience in environmental and geotechnical consulting, geophysical services, construction materials testing, and inspection services.

When asked what he likes most about working with Land Science, Cox says the company’s approach to offering turnkey solutions helps set Land Science apart from other environmental remediation providers. He continues, “Land Science is solutions-oriented much like United Consulting. When our clients come to the table with issues, it often takes a collaborative approach to identify cost-effective solutions. Land Science has set a high bar for customer service and detail and have been specifically requested to provide their services on several projects by our clients. When issues arise on projects, their team is working immediately to provide insight and real-world solutions for our clients.” As an example of the quick on-site response that Land Science offers, he points to a project that called for extensive vapor intrusion mitigation. He continues, “Recently, we worked with a fast-paced client who elected to install a Land Science vapor barrier product within days of the keystone development deadline. By working with Land Science and their network of certified installers, we were able to install a full vapor intrusion mitigation system within a two-week period. This was a key factor that allowed this development to reach completion on schedule.” When it comes to product usage, Cox says United Consulting uses a full range of Land Science solutions. He continues, “We use Land Science’s range of vapor intrusion barriers the most. Not only do these barriers provide a mitigation approach for vapor intrusion issues, but they add future protection and value for our clients. Working with redevelopments, and specifically with the Georgia Brownfields Program, we’ve seen first-hand the benefits of a spray applied barrier time and time again.” To stay current with technology and evolving industry trends, he makes it a priority to read the latest periodicals and information, which also helps in his staff training. He continues, “Working in such a technical industry, it’s important that I am constantly learning and growing to ensure I can continue to train individuals from a technical standpoint, and foster better relationships with our clients. It’s also important that with evolving sciences such as vapor intrusion and emerging sciences such as Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), that we are providing the very latest solutions.”

During his time at United Consulting, Cox has been based out of the company’s corporate office in Norcross, Georgia. To date, he has worked on projects in thirteen states and says he hopes to reach all 50 states one day. In his free time, he enjoys volunteering at a woodworking shop on the weekends, assisting various charity organizations. The large southeastern based not-for-profit that he works with recently promoted him to a Director position. He shares, “We operate and donate our time for organizations such as the Shriners Hospital and Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. In my Director role, I oversee and operate woodworking and prop designing for various charities. We also put on a yearly event ourselves that raises money for charity. In the past four years we have raised over $250,000 in local Atlanta donations for various organizations and wildlife sanctuaries. It is extremely rewarding work that allows me to interact with young adults from many backgrounds and situations.”

When asked what he enjoys most about his professional work, Cox is quick to point to the gratification of seeing his efforts come to fruition. “The most rewarding aspect of my job,” he says, “is coming back to a development and seeing the impact of our work on a community. Many projects we work on become keystone developments that spur further positive changes to a local area.” And the most challenging aspect of his work? “Working with rapid redevelopment projects that do not fit into the typical schedule. Land Science has been a great partner with these developments by assisting certified applicators that are flexible, proactive, and engaged with installation schedules.”

When asked how he’s seen the industry change over the years, he feels clients are more familiar with the various solutions available. He continues, “The industry has definitely changed. Our clientele and contractors are becoming more aware and knowledgeable about the products and services they are utilizing to conduct due-diligence, remediation, and mitigation on properties.” And how would he encourage others to join his field of study? He concludes, “Encouraging others about the environmental industry starts with understanding that what we do has an impact on not only the environment, but people’s lives. It is important that, as an industry, we are teaching the next generation the broad value of services and solutions, and how people can impact and address environmental issues in the future.”

Land Science is proud to have Spencer Cox, Project Environmental Specialist at United Consulting, as a valued client and partner in environmental remediation, and appreciates his highly diverse background and approach in providing successful remediation outcomes for Land Science® and its clients.

Denise Sullivan

Client Spotlight: Denise Sullivan, Principal and Owner of Urban Green Environmental, LLC

Ask Denise Sullivan, Principal and Owner of Urban Green Environmental, LLC, an environmental consulting and engineering firm and valued Land Science® client, about how she chose a career in environmental remediation and you’re likely to get the response, “Well, my career chose me.” That’s because Sullivan, upon graduation from Tufts University, where she earned her BS in Civil Engineering, found that most of the jobs readily available were in the environmental market, predominantly investigating and remediating properties for environmental impacts and contamination. She shares, “I needed a job, and at the time I never would have guessed that I would find my passion for my career in that first job. My first position was at a company, Ensol, Inc. in Billerica, Massachusetts. It was a small firm, much like Urban Green Environmental, which I started in 2007, and I have modeled much of our internal culture at Urban Green Environmental based on my early experiences at Ensol.” Becoming an entrepreneur and starting her own business targeting the environmental sciences had always been a dream for Sullivan as a way to own and grow her own company while also giving back to the environment. She says her success is based upon nurturing a strong entrepreneurial spirit and choosing a field that she is passionate about. She continues, “I have dedicated my career to the environmental field and have worked hard to carve out a niche where my firm can successfully balance environmental goals with economic development. My proudest accomplishment as a business owner is the team of committed individuals that comprise Urban Green. In 2007, despite the challenging economic climate, I felt the time was right to invest in myself, my adopted hometown of Baltimore, and establish a niche firm focused on environmental investigations of Brownfields and urban in-fill properties. When I started, I was a one-person company and operated out of my home. Today, Urban Green has six employees, an expanding office in Locust Point, and a clear mission and vision.”

When asked about working with Land Science®, Sullivan feels the range of products offer important solutions towards successful project completion for their clients. “We have several projects in Baltimore City that employ the use of Land Science® vapor barriers,” she says. “Specifically, Geo-Seal® and Retro-Coat™. It is rare to have a project in our Maryland Department of the Environment Voluntary Cleanup Program, particularly in an urban environment such as Baltimore City, where we do not spec a vapor barrier with proven resistance to volatile organic compounds, known as VOCs. Retro-Coat™ has been a critical product for many of our projects, and we have used it with great success on some of our current projects.” As one would expect, staying current in an ever-changing industry can have its challenges, so Sullivan regularly attends the National Brownfields conference as well as local Brownfield conferences to stay abreast of the latest trends and technology. When asked about the future goals of Urban Green Environmental, she emphasizes the company’s need to remain focused on providing current solutions for successful outcomes. She shares, “Our mission is to investigate properties for environmental liabilities and provide solutions to those liabilities for private and public organizations and institutions. We have a wide array of clients in the public, private and non-profit sectors and are excited about the future of the company.”

Recently married for the first time and residing in Baltimore, MD, Sullivan’s husband also plays a key role in Urban Green Environmental’s success. She continues, “I’m married to a wonderful Frenchman, Sylvain Masset, who is also an engineer with a focus in the air testing equipment industry (ATI). His expertise has been invaluable over the past few years as Urban Green has developed diagnostic testing protocols for our vapor mitigation systems.” Outside of work, they enjoy hiking on weekends, and she hopes to one day build a new home with her “talented husband.” She also finds time to serve as a member of the Advisory Board for The Baltimore Center for Sustainable Careers (BCSC), a project of Civic Works, Baltimore’s non-profit service corp. In addition, she volunteers as an instructor for the B’more Green Brownfields Training Program, a workforce development program. “Since 2004, I have provided classroom instruction for future environmental field technicians, and I’ve also hired two graduates from this training program.” When asked about the most challenging aspect of her work, Sullivan points to the need to work effectively with people, yet stresses this can also be rewarding as well. She continues, “For me, working with people in general is the most challenging and the most rewarding. I believe our best efforts come from a team, and I find myself awed and so very lucky at the team that has been attracted to Urban Green. They work so hard and are extremely dedicated.”

As the environmental remediation industry continues to evolve, Sullivan sees potential for continued growth and development, particularly in soil and demolition materials, as well as vapor intrusion and mitigation. She shares, “Other than the investigation and remediation of PFOAs, which it seems most in our industry are tracking closely, I think we’ll continue to see progress in densely developed urban areas and on brownfields, along with emerging trends for the re-use of soil and demolition materials (concrete, brick, etc.) and vapor intrusion/mitigation.” And what advice would she give to others who might be considering a career in environment remediation? She concludes, “That’s an interesting question and one that is difficult for me to answer. I would encourage folks who are curious about Brownfields or contaminated properties who want to make an impact on the future of our environment to get involved early on and nurture their curiosity by exploring the various career paths that are out there.”

Land Science® is proud to have Denise Sullivan, Principal and Owner of Urban Green Environmental, LLC as a valued client and partner in vapor intrusion mitigation, and appreciates her diverse experience and knowledge base in providing successful remediation outcomes for Land Science® and its clients.

Prem Neupane

Client Spotlight: Prem Neupane, Program Manager with Apex Companies, LLC

Prem NeupaneAs an experienced Program Manager with Apex Companies, LLC, a leading environmental services firm and valued Land Science® client, Prem Neupane has an ongoing appreciation for seeing firsthand how his efforts and those of Apex can make a difference in site cleanup. “When I compare the before and after activities at the remediation site,” he says, “Especially those in the State Voluntary Cleanup Program, Brownfield program and sites located in urban areas, our project work continues to provide me with great satisfaction.” With 18 years of experience at Apex, first as an Environmental Scientist, then as a Project Manager and now as a Program Manager, Neupane has been involved in a diverse range of remediation projects. In his current role, he manages several clients, participates in business development, and manages all aspects of his project work-  from initiation to close-out.  He shares, “I like interacting with clients, our trusted vendors and suppliers/lab, and fellow Apexians, and ultimately finding the optimum solutions for environmental remediation problems.” Prior to joining Apex, Neupane performed a year-long internship with the USGS in Dover, DE working on the Air Force Base projects. To prepare for a career in environmental science he earned a BS in Environmental Science from Troy University, followed by a MS in Science and Water Resources at Miami University in Ohio. He continues, “I became interested in the environmental field during high school.  After completing my undergrad studies at Troy University, I went straight to graduate school to further enhance my knowledge on environmental issues.  While working on my Master of Science at Miami University, I was able to take a few advance level courses in contamination, and shifted my focus toward environmental characterization and remediation. Aside from seeing projects through to fruition, it’s the interdisciplinary nature of this field that interests me the most.”

With nearly 20 years of experience in the environmental industry, Neupane takes great pride in his work, while continuing to focus on the company’s long-term goals, which include the practice of utilizing sustainable remediation technologies. He continues, “At Apex, our plans are to strategically grow the company by harnessing the power of innovation, especially in the use of green remediation. We continually invest in leading-edge, sustainable remediation technologies and in remediation experts who can develop and deploy them. Beyond our use of evaporative desorption technology (EDT),  ex-situ on-site bioremediation, cryogenic vapor treatment technology (CVTT), and remote station soil vapor extraction (SVE) – which are just a few ways we help our clients move to more effective results –we plan to adopt and deliver more efficient, practical, and sensible remedial strategies that continue to benefit our clients and communities.” When it comes to working with Land Science®, he continues to be impressed with their client service, responsiveness, and their ability to provide assistance with product recommendations that fit a variety of challenges and situations. He points out that on a recent project, and on short notice, Land Science® met the Apex team at the job site to discuss solutions for an existing issue. As for which Land Science® products Apex uses, two come to mind. He shares, “Geo-Seal® and Retro-Coat™ vapor intrusion coating are those we have used the most. However, we are open to the new products Land Science® has rolled out recently. Geo-Seal® is a composite vapor intrusion barrier system that consists of chemical resistance high density polyethylene (HDPE) and spray applied asphalt latex.  It is ideal for installation on new construction. Retro-Coat™ consists of chemically resistant material that is applied to existing structures to prevent potential vapor intrusion risks.  I like them both because they are relatively easy to apply, are compatible and effective with VOCs from petroleum as well as chlorinated solvents sources, and they are very popular and well liked by regulators.”

When asked about the future of environmental remediation, including trends on the horizon, Neupane points to advancements in technology that enable more accurate targeting of contamination in subsurface and faster analysis. He also expects to see more cost-effective solutions, greener cleanups and green remediation to minimize the environmental “footprint” of remediation activities, emerging contaminants, and vapor intrusion solutions. He notes that the EPA describes green remediation as “The practice of considering all environmental effects of remedy implementation and incorporating options to maximize net environmental benefit of cleanup actions.”  He continues, “Some local and state regulatory agencies, such as the Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) in Washington, DC, are encouraging responsible parties to consider and report green remediation strategies for remediation sites.  Green remediation allows us to reduce the environmental footprint of a cleanup project.” To stay abreast of emerging technologies and trends, Neupane regularly attends seminars and training modules, and participates in webinars offered by remediation industries and coalitions, such as those offered by the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC). He shares a recent example of a training seminar he attended in May of last year, “I attended Vapor Intrusion (VI) & Soil Gas Training provided by Dr. Blayne Hartman of Hartman Environmental Geoscience, at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago.  The training was very informational and covered the latest in regulatory, assessment, sampling, analysis and mitigation, as well as legal considerations.” When prompted about the most challenging aspect of his work, he feels accounting for project uncertainties and including contingencies to complete the remediation work on budget and on time can be difficult. “Weather can also be a challenge sometimes,” he says, “Especially with large scale water related projects during winter months.”

Currently residing in Chicago, with his wife and daughter, Neupane works out of Apex’s downtown Chicago office, and frequently travels to the company’s Washington, D.C. region for project work and meetings. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, biking, and visiting new places with his family. He shares, “Having grown up in Nepal, I was always drawn to the beauty of the Himalayas.  I visit Nepal and try to hit the hiking trails there whenever possible.  I was in Nepal just this past October with the family and did some hiking near Mt. Annapurna (10th tallest mountain). Whenever I travel to a new place I seek out nearby hiking/biking trails.” And how would he encourage others to join his field of study? He concludes by emphasizing the potential long-term contributions that his profession makes possible.  “Remind those who may be interested that they can make a positive impact on human health and the environment. Look at the bigger picture and think of your contribution to future generations.”

Land Science® is proud to have Prem Neupane, Project Manager for Apex Companies, as a valued client and partner in environmental remediation, and appreciates his expert knowledge and experience in providing successful remediation outcomes for Land Science® and its clients.

Blayne Hartman

Industry Expert Spotlight: Blayne Hartman PhD, President of Hartman Environmental Geoscience

Blayne Hartman PhDAs a nationally recognized expert on soil vapor sampling, soil vapor analysis, and vapor intrusion, Blayne Hartman, Ph.D. and President of Hartman Environmental Geoscience, a valued Land Science® client, continues to leverage his nearly 40 years of experience to provide solution leadership on soil gas methods and vapor intrusion to regulatory agencies in over 35 states, and counting. Prior to forming Hartman Environmental Geoscience nearly 10 years ago, he specialized in training County and State regulatory agencies across the U.S., and many of the USEPA regions, the U.S. Department of Defense, and numerous stakeholder groups and consultants.  Although he has amassed diverse experience in a specialized field, he is currently focusing his efforts on indoor air testing. He shares, “I currently do indoor air testing around the country using high-resolution, real-time analyzers.  Over the years I’ve developed expertise in the testing of vapors for a suite of volatile compounds that the EPA has strict regulations on.” To prepare for a career centered around making an impact on our earth’s environment, Hartman earned his Ph.D. in Geology, Geochemistry, and Oceanography from the University of Southern California, (USC) and preceded that with a Masters in Earth Sciences, also from USC. He began his university studies at Clarkson University, in Potsdam, New York, where he received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, after developing an interest in earth sciences while in high school. He continues, “Early on I went to work for Union Oil Company in Brea, CA.  Based upon my background, they assigned me to the dissolved ocean seepage project, which they were looking into at the time.  I saw an opportunity to offer this service to other oil companies, so I opened my own business in 1988 offering this service and other ocean-related services, such as coring.  Oceanography was a tough and risky business back then, so I decided to move into the environmental business in 1990, offering on-site analysis.”

To stay abreast of new industry trends and emerging technology, Hartman teaches continuing education courses around the country and in several countries. This year his instruction included a course titled, Vapor Intrusion Pathway, in conjunction with Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago at Argonne’s Conference Center. The course covered the latest regulatory updates (State & Federal), provided a review and updates on assessment and mitigation methods, and provided a refresher on key topics relating to the VI risk pathway. When asked how he’s seen the industry change over the years, he points to the advancements made in data resolution and real-time data delivery. He shares, “The biggest change I’ve seen in the industry is the embrace of high-resolution data and real-time data telemetry.  20 to 30 years ago we would collect soil samples at 5-foot depth intervals at pre-determined locations on a site, send them to a lab, wait a week or two for results and then figure out what to do next.  Now, we are collecting continuous data through the soil column, getting real-time results and beaming the data to a person’s desk enabling real-time decisions on what to do next while the crews are still in the field. The same is true with indoor air sampling. Rather than collect a few discrete samples and sending to a lab, we are analyzing continuously with automated instruments and sending the data to the web in real-time.”

When it comes to working with Land Science®, Hartman appreciates and enjoys the level of interfacing he receives, which has led to building strong relationships. “Although I really don’t work with Land Science® directly,” he says, “I do get involved with the executive team.  I’ve had a relationship with Land Science® for over 10 years now and I know all their principals. The biggest mutual benefit we both receive from the relationship is exposure. They have a strong marketing presence and client database that I do not have, and I have a reputation in the vapor “world” that brings exposure to them.” When asked what he enjoys most about his work, he points to the satisfaction he receives from assisting clients in overcoming significant challenges. He shares, “Helping people out of predicaments can be very satisfying.  In the environmental business, we are generally more like grim reapers than heroes.  I often say to my clients, ‘Hopefully you won’t see me again.’  So, it’s very rewarding when I get a client out of a jam quickly and inexpensively.”

Married and residing in Solana Beach, CA, Hartman has two children and one stepdaughter. His son works with him and has steadily gained experience. He continues, “He has become my field chemist. In 2019 alone, he has completed field jobs in Belgium, Boston, Vermont, Seattle, Portland, OR, Indianapolis, Michigan, and numerous jobs all around CA.  I couldn’t handle this by myself, and I’m now getting him involved in the business development side of things.” Outside of his work, Hartman enjoys various outdoor activities, and he’s been playing handball for over 40 years. “I do all kinds of things outdoors,” he says, “I’ve waterskied the Colorado River, am a small plane pilot, enjoy snow skiing and backpacking, and have also river-rafted the Grand Canyon twice. As you can probably sense, I love being outdoors, and my earth sciences background translates into wanting to be outside, since the outdoors is the laboratory for geologists and oceanographers.” And what does he see the future holds in environmental assessment? He concludes, “The future will bring more real-time, higher resolution analysis streamed to the internet for rapid decision-making. Like everything in life, real-time information is the present and the future.  Just look at people on their cell phones- constantly engaged, accessing real-time information.  The same is happening in the environmental field.  More data enables better understanding of the situation, and real-time data enables faster decisions, which in turn, saves time and expense.”

Land Science® is proud to have Blayne Hartman, President of Hartman Environmental Geoscience, as a valued client and partner in environmental assessment, and appreciates his highly specialized experience and knowledge base in providing successful outcomes for Land Science® and its clients.

Client Spotlight: Ron Carroll, Owner and Managing Principal of ATON LLC

Ron CarrollFor Ron Carroll, owner and Managing Principal of ATON LLC, an environmental consulting and engineering firm and valued Land Science® client, choosing a career in environmental remediation was both a personal and professional choice. That’s because when he was younger, Mr. Carroll lived near and had friends who were impacted by the Times Beach dioxin cleanup project in the St. Louis area. As a result of toxic chemicals being mixed with oil and applied to roads for dust control, a massive cleanup was initiated in a small town in St. Louis County. Consequently, the EPA ended up buying many of the homes within the town to facilitate an effective cleanup in the area. Understandably, this environmental hazard and subsequent remediation project left an indelible impression on Mr. Carroll, and he eventually pursued and earned a B.S. in Environmental and Hazardous Materials Management, and a B.A. in Biology, from the University of Findlay. In addition to his university degrees, he also became a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager and Certified Industrial Hygienist. His university studies and professional work experience that followed would eventually culminate in forming ATON, where he oversees the firm’s business activities. He shares, “I’m responsible for managing our environmental, health and safety consulting work, and all administrative operations.  I also conduct and oversee site inspections, multi-media sampling, coordination and negotiation with regulatory agencies, facility decommissioning, demolition, and regulatory reporting.” Prior to forming ATON eight years ago, Mr. Carroll held management positions with a national due diligence and real estate assessment company performing environmental, building sciences, and valuation services; and a national environmental engineering consulting firm that provided site investigation, industrial hygiene, remediation, and regulatory compliance services.

When asked what he likes most about his work, Mr. Carroll points to the benefits that result from consistent teamwork. He continues, “I enjoy interacting on a daily basis with our employees and clients to find sound technical solutions to challenging problems. I also take satisfaction as a mentor to technical staff and as a trusted advisor to our clients in the commercial and industrial sectors.” And the most challenging aspect of his work? “Keeping track of ever-changing regulations and how those regulations affect our business and our clients’ business. While it can be challenging, we feel we’re well-equipped. We’re looking to continue our growth organically by adding key technical staff and expanding geographically. We also see the redevelopment of brownfields as a significant growth area for the company.” When it comes to working with Land Science, Mr. Carroll appreciates the combination of innovative solutions and service ATON receives on a consistent basis. He continues, “Land Science continues to provide a quality product with seamless technical expertise, and this helps in the design and implementation phases of our remedial work. We were recently involved in the relocation and development of a large scale, commercial laundry operation in the St. Louis region that involved the construction of a building over a former chemical plant that is highly regulated by the EPA. The success of the redevelopment using Land Science products led to the continued development of industrial warehouse space near the former plant. In essence, the Land Science solutions form a complete package that typically exceeds our design specifications.”

Residing in St. Louis, with his wife and two children, Mr. Carroll likes to spend his free time with his family, enjoying the outdoors, traveling, and attending various sporting events. “We have a great baseball team, the St. Louis Cardinals,” he says, “and the Stanley Cup hockey champs, the St. Louis Blues.” He also finds time to give back to his community as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. To stay abreast of emerging trends and new technologies, ATON offers all its employees continuing education and technical training for environmental, health & safety (EHS) consulting and remediation work. When asked how he he’s seen the industry change, his focus turns to the advancements made possible through innovation. He continues, “We’ve seen technical innovation working its way into what historically has been a labor-intensive industry. In the past we’ve relied on field sample collection and off-site analysis for environmental contaminants. More recently, we’re able to use smaller and lighter field instruments to detect and analyze contaminant concentrations without having to send samples to a laboratory. In addition, innovations in data collection and management have allowed us to compile data and issue reports much quicker, which in turn allows our clients to make more informed and faster decisions on tight timeframes.” Asked what he sees the future holds for environmental remediation, he feels the consulting side of the business will continue to grow. He shares, “We see the traditional EHS consulting field continuing with strong growth. The environmental remediation industry also continues to grow through local, state, and national brownfield development initiatives.” And how would he encourage others to join his field of study? He concludes, “Education and training in STEM are keys to our success and growth. I would encourage others interested in science and the environmental field to become STEM practitioners and supporters as a way to enter this industry.”

Land Science is proud to have Ron Carroll, Managing Principal of ATON, as a valued client and partner in environmental remediation, and appreciates his vast experience and knowledge base in providing successful remediation outcomes for Land Science and its clients.

client spotlight

Client Spotlight: Matt Ambrusch, Environmental Project Manager for Langan Engineering and Environmental Services

Matt Ambrusch LanganWhen it comes to playing a part in cleaning up the environment, Matt Ambrusch, Environmental Project Manager for Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., a valued Land Science® client, realizes he has a responsibility to help ensure healthy and safe communities. Focused on designing, implementing, operating, and optimizing remediation systems, Ambrusch feels he is doing his part to help provide sustainable remedies to address today’s contaminated environments. He shares, “No site is ever the same and every day brings a new and interesting challenge.”  During his seven years at Langan, he has progressed from Staff Environmental Engineer, to Senior Staff Environmental Engineer, and now his current position, as Project Manager. Throughout his career, Ambrusch has made significant contributions to the success of his clients and their projects, particularly in the field of pneumatic technologies. He continues, “My personal focus has been on pneumatic solutions that include air sparging, soil vapor extraction, multi-phase extraction, vapor mitigation, and even methane mitigation and collection. I also help lead the charge to develop and grow our two-dimensional and three-dimensional pneumatic modeling practice. These models allow us the ability to better predict system performance under both existing and future site conditions, and ultimately design a more effective and efficient pneumatic-based remedial system.”

Like many of his peers who work and thrive in the environmental remediation industry, Ambrusch’s interest in the environment began early in life. He continues, “What started out as a desire to always be outside as a kid, grew into a passion for environmental science after taking an environmental studies course during my senior year of high school. I also had an aptitude for math, and recognized that with the applicable college major, a career in environmental engineering just made sense.”  His university studies culminated with a BS in Bioenvironmental Engineering from Rutgers University and later an MBA in Strategy and Leadership from Rutgers Business School. He is also a licensed professional engineer in the State of New Jersey. When he joined Langan early in his career, it did not take long for Ambrusch to develop an appreciation for the firm’s high level of expertise and client service, and the goals that Langan has set for itself. He shares, “Langan has always been focused on technical excellence, practical experience, and client responsiveness. Whatever we do as a company, these values continue to be paramount to our success.  As national and state regulations become more stringent, and new contaminants of concern come into focus, we look to position ourselves effectively so that we can continue to provide our clients innovative, proven, and cost-efficient solutions.  This includes continuing to expand our landfill redevelopment practice. As a team, we are also working on expanding our in-house treatability study and pilot test capabilities.”

When it comes to working with Land Science®, Ambrusch appreciates the industry-leading solutions and rapid response he receives on a consistent basis. “Simply put,” he says, “Land Science® provides cutting- edge technologies and is extremely responsive.” Ambrusch continues, “I work on a lot of redevelopment projects requiring vapor mitigation – these projects are fast paced and require effective cost-competitive solutions.  Land Science® understand the needs required with these types of projects and continues to innovate in an effort to make vapor mitigation products more effective and cost efficient.”  He also appreciates the level of service and customization offered by Land Science®. He adds, “I am heavily involved in the design and implementation of vapor mitigation systems for redevelopment projects.  As such, we often look to Land Science® for innovative vapor barrier materials or application methods that fit the site-specific needs of the project.”

Asked what he thinks the future holds for environmental remediation, Ambrusch feels a focus on sustainable remedies is where the industry is heading. He shares, “Other than emerging contaminants, which everyone is talking about, I see a push for more sustainable remedies.” Ambrusch goes on to say, “The intent of effective remediation is to improve human health and the environment, and we need to be aware of the potential negative impacts the remedial activities we are implementing on one site may have on another. We also need to consider the economical and societal pros and cons of a proposed remedial strategy, both on and offsite.”

Residing in Rockaway, New Jersey with his wife Riley, over the years Ambrusch has worked out of Langan’s Lawrenceville and Elmwood Park (now Parsippany NJ) offices. In his free time, he enjoys the outdoors, and is an avid golfer and snowboarder. He also finds time to provide his expertise to assist the Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF) and serves as the current President. When asked what he enjoys most about his work, he points to the difference he can make for both our planet and those of us who inhabit it. He shares, “I get a great deal of satisfaction designing and implementing a remedial or mitigation system and see it positively impact the environment.”

Land Science® is proud to have Matt Ambrusch, Environmental Project Manager for Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., as a valued client and partner in environmental remediation, and appreciates his expertise and ongoing efforts in providing successful remediation outcomes for Land Science® and its clients.

client spotlight

Client Spotlight: Dan Matz, Environmental Engineer at Bunnell Lammons Engineering, Inc.

Dan Matz Bunnell LammonsFor Dan Matz, a career in environmental remediation provides the ideal combination of variety and pace to keep him both energized and challenged. As an Environmental Engineer at Bunnell Lammons Engineering, Inc., a leading environmental and geotechnical engineering firm and valued Land Science® client, Matz plays a key role in a broad range of the firm’s environmental services. “My primary responsibilities are Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments and Brownfield redevelopment projects,” he shares. “We commonly call these our ‘Due Diligence Services’ because they are designed to better inform clients about a property prior to the acquisition of it.”  The diversity of his work, along with the demands of short due diligence periods can be challenging, but that’s just what keeps Matz moving at full speed. He shares, “Working in the field of environmental remediation is very gratifying.”

As someone with a love for the outdoors since childhood, Matz wasn’t surprised when that passion led him to focus his university studies in environmental engineering, where he earned his B.S. in Physics of the Environment at Furman University.  He continues, “I developed my own major, and tailored it toward an engineering degree. My degree was a combination of physics, math, and environmental science.”  He followed his undergraduate degree by earning a Master of Engineering in Environmental Engineering and Science from Clemson University. He then joined Bunnell Lammons Engineering, Inc., where he’s served since 2008, first as an Environmental Engineering Associate before being promoted to Environmental Engineer.

To stay current with industry trends and technology, he attends multiple conferences per year, and participates in webinar trainings and “lunch and learns” at the office. He adds, “I try to focus my continuing education on vapor migration, groundwater and vapor remedial techniques, and Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS/PFOAs) .”  Suffice to say, he thoroughly enjoys what he’s doing, and takes pride in knowing he’s making a positive impact in the community. He shares, “I like the quick turnaround time on projects. When environmental concerns arise, it is exciting to determine the best solution for the client to move forward with the transaction, whether it is a Brownfields agreement with the state or some other avenue of environmental protection. It is rewarding to work on real world environmental problems and help my clients determine solutions to mitigate risk, keeping in mind their project schedule and budget.”

When it comes to working with Land Science®, Matz appreciates the timely response and level of expertise he receives. He shares, “Land Science® is responsive. You ask a question of a Project Manager and they answer it quickly and thoroughly. They provide support on VI design, install, etc., which makes my job as an engineer easier in support of my clients. They are industry leaders and have the solutions to the problems we face.” He currently has four projects with Land Science®– two Retro-Coat™ applications and two Geo-Seal® applications.  “The support and assistance they have provided on each of these projects is remarkable, and we have a good working relationship with them,” he says. About specific Land Science® products and solutions, he says Geo-Seal®, Retro-Coat™, and Vapor-Vent are all used in various ways, depending on the site requirements.

When asked about the future goals of Bunnell Lammons Engineering, Inc., Matz says continued growth and providing superior service are always at the top. Currently, the firm has more than 125 employees between its various divisions: environmental engineering and consulting, geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, transportation services, and solid waste services.

Residing in the Greenville/Spartanburg, South Carolina area, where he works out of the company’s Greenville office, Matz and his wife Laura, have two young children, Ryan, age 4, and Erin, six months. In his free time, Dan can be found out on the nearby roads, training for his next half marathon or triathlon. Additionally, Dan and his family enjoy rooting on their favorite football team, the Clemson Tigers.

When asked what he sees the future holds for environmental remediation, he says PFAs and PFOAs are garnering a great deal of attention. He continues, “There is a lot of talk about these emerging contaminants, but we will see where it goes. If more regulatory agencies start to develop action levels, it could become a BIG issue in years to come. The science is relatively new, and there are a great deal of discoveries to come in future.”

And what is it he likes most about his work? “Helping clients solve their environmental problems and allowing them to purchase and redevelop properties that otherwise might sit vacant and underutilized.”

When prompted to share how he would encourage others to join in his field of study, he again points out the quick cadence his work entails, and the satisfaction of helping clients. He concludes, “I tell people interested in the field the industry is a fun, fast paced work environment. It is exciting to work on a variety of projects and provide clients with solutions.”

Land Science is proud to have Dan Matz, an Environmental Engineer at Bunnell Lammons Engineering, Inc., as a valued client and partner in environmental remediation, and appreciates his expertise and thorough approach in providing successful remediation outcomes for Land Science and its clients.


Client Spotlight: Thomas Donn, Senior President of EnviroSouth

Thomas Donn of EnviroSouthWhen Thomas Donn decided to launch his own environmental consulting business in March of 2001, his primary goal was to provide practical solutions to emerging environmental challenges. His objective, along with his then business partner, was to grow a firm that could clearly explain complex technical and regulatory issues in a manner that was easily understandable to a wide range of clients. They also wanted to cement and deliver on their mantra of, “on budget, on time, and no surprises”, as a way to firmly differentiate themselves from other environmental remediation firms. Fast forward to today, and it is clear Donn has successfully grown and positioned EnviroSouth, a valued Land Science® and REGENESIS client, into a leading environmental consulting company. Headquartered in Greeneville, SC, EnviroSouth offers its clients an array of services that include soil and groundwater remediation, real estate environmental site assessment, soil and groundwater contamination assessment, Brownfields property restoration, and other environmental related services. Donn shares, “We have become successful in setting ourselves apart from the competition. And that’s why many of our clients rely on EnviroSouth environmental consultants year after year for all their environmental needs.”

As the founder, President, and Principal Hydrogeologist of EnviroSouth, Donn’s day-to-day responsibilities include advising clients on the technical and regulatory options related to purchasing and remediating commercial and industrial Brownfield properties, as well as troubleshooting projects to ensure the outcome matches client expectations and passes through the regulatory approval process. When asked what he enjoys most about his work, he points to the satisfaction of seeing properties converted into reusable sites, suitable for redevelopment. He continues, “I appreciate being part of the vibrant growth and remediation of a Brownfield site as a key advisor and facilitator.” Donn continues,  “Transforming blighted properties that are often eyesores, into productive and attractive facilities which bring jobs to communities is very gratifying. I also enjoy developing our professional staff of geologists, engineers, and environmental scientists, since it helps them become more independent and confident in their abilities, translating to their success on projects they manage.” Prior to starting EnviroSouth, Donn gained valuable experience in the environmental remediation industry, serving in several key positions, including Geologist, Hydrogeologist, and Environmental Services Department Manager, as well as Branch Manager for a 27-person branch office, where he performed environmental consulting, ecological services, geotechnical engineering and construction materials testing.

Prior to beginning his professional career, he earned a B.S. in Geology from the University at Buffalo and a M.S. in Geology from Miami (Ohio) University.  He shares, “I chose a career in environmental sciences because I had a keen interest in geology and a desire to provide effective and cost-conscious solutions to help contribute to cleaning up our planet.”  To stay current with industry trends and the latest technology, Donn often attends technical conferences to maintain familiarity with new remediation methods, as well as refinements of design and field techniques. In addition, he occasionally serves as an expert witness, and has authored several white papers and articles for publication.

When it comes to working with Land Science, Donn says he appreciates their advanced experience and responsiveness. He continues, “Land Science provides good technical resources and they are proactive to our requests for quotes. They also offer excellent customer service and assistance with our logistical needs.  We recently completed a project with them on a former textile mill that was redeveloped.  They were very helpful in ensuring the project was a success , including coordinating with installation contractors.” The project included the installation of Geo-Seal® and Vapor-Vent™. He explains, “The project was a Brownfield redevelopment of a long-shuttered textile mill in South Carolina.  Based on the poor condition of the concrete and wood floor, the client decided to remove the existing floor, so it provided a perfect opportunity to install a top of the line vapor barrier, such as Geo-Seal®, to prevent TCE in the shallow soils from entering the renovated building.  The installation was inspected thoroughly by EnviroSouth’s own in-house LandScience® certified inspector.  Subsequent testing showed the indoor air was free of TCE, and the roof vent showed elevated TCE concentrations as evidence that the vapor vents were doing their job as planned.”

Residing in Greeneville, SC, outside of work Donn enjoys wilderness backpacking trips, especially to his favorite destination in Glacier National Park.  He shares, “Glacier is the perfect place for getting away from it all with no cell phone coverage!  There is also the rush of knowing that around any corner you could come across a bull moose or an angry mama grizzly!” He has also enjoyed volunteering at a local YMCA, where he holds a Board position, and serves on the March of Dimes Real Estate Executive Committee for his local chapter. When asked what he sees the future holds for environmental remediation, Donn points to an increased emphasis on risk assessment as a growth area. He continues, “I believe the trend toward performing remediation based on risk assessment is here to stay.  Remediating sites that have a likelihood of adversely impacting human or environmental receptors just makes good sense.  The recent trend of looking much closer at and preventing the presence of potentially harmful vapors inside buildings is one of the most logical and cost-effective types of remediation we can provide.  For the past few decades, environmental regulators were requiring millions upon millions of dollars to be spent on cleaning up soil and groundwater, but largely ignored the effects of breathing harmful vapors.  This new awareness of evaluating vapors seems obvious now, but it was just a matter of the awareness of the environmental regulators and good technical practitioners to bring the science to this point.”  And what advice would he offer to those considering a career in the environmental remediation industry?  He concludes, “I would suggest becoming involved with an environmental services company early on, perhaps as an intern. We have had several summer interns from Clemson University’s highly regarded Environmental Engineering program.  This provides them the real-life aspects of environmental consulting work, especially working outside in the field.”

Land Science is proud to have Tom Donn, President and Principal Hydrogeologist at EnviroSouth, as a valued client and partner in environmental remediation, and appreciates his technical experience and diverse contributions in providing successful remediation outcomes for Land Science® and its clients.

Sigrida Reinis client spotlight

Client Spotlight: Sigrida Reinis, PhD, PE, Associate at Langan

Ask Sigrida Reinis, Ph.D., what she likes most about her work, and she’ll likely respond by saying she enjoys the challenge of addressing complex environmental remediation projects, much like a modern day detective. It’s just one reason Reinis, an Associate at Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., a leader in integrated land development engineering and a valued REGENESIS/Land Science client, looks forward to her work. Shares Reinis, “I like solving mysteries, and in the environmental engineering world, we are often confronted with the unexpected – weird data, odd trends, and bizarre existing site conditions, to name just a few. Figuring out how the dots are connected or how to make the best of a less than perfect situation is what makes the work both interesting and engaging.” The day-to-day challenges associated in the cleanup of various sites, coupled with the continued growth of Langan Engineering and Environmental Services are, in part, why Reinis has continued to enjoy her role with the Langan team for more than 20 years. She also appreciates the diversity in her work that contributes to a busy, ongoing schedule of activities. She continues, “At any given time, I am serving as Project Manager for up to a dozen projects, most of which are related either to post-closure landfill redevelopment or gas/vapor intrusion mitigation for existing or new buildings.”

For Reinis, choosing a career in environmental remediation began upon graduation from the University of California at Berkeley, where she received her B.S. in Civil Engineering. She continues, “When I graduated with my B.S. from Cal Berkeley in 1984, the Federal Superfund program was just getting off the ground, and I had the great fortune of being hired by Dr. Don Treadwell, a geotechnical engineer who was transitioning himself and his firm (Geomatrix Consultants Inc.) into the new field of environmental engineering.” Reinis also added a Master’s in Civil Engineering, followed by her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, both of which were also earned at the University of California at Berkeley. To stay abreast of current trends and technologies in her field, Reinis takes advantage of an extensive range of in-house continuing education and training offered through Langan Engineering and Environmental Services. She also participates in external education and training opportunities, and for the past few years has served as a member of the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) Methane Detection Task Force. In her free time, Reinis enjoys a variety of outdoor activities with her wife, Tracy. She shares, “We both enjoy cycling, running, hiking, and all forms of skiing – cross-country, downhill, and telemark. I’m also a certified professional cross-country ski instructor and am a certified cycling coach.” In addition, Reinis volunteers with local charities and participates in fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation through their Team In Training and Light the Night programs. She adds, “More recently, I have served as volunteer for AIDS/Lifecycle, a 7-day, 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles that benefits the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the Los Angeles LGBT Center.”

When asked which Land Science products she prefers, Reinis points to Geo-Seal® and Retro-Coat™, and offers up a few examples where she and her team have had success. She shares, “The Land Science products that I am most familiar with are the sub-slab gas/vapor barrier membrane Geo-Seal® and the top-of-slab gas/vapor barrier membrane Retro-Coat™. I am currently managing three very different projects that all involve the application of Retro-Coat™. One is an empty warehouse on a former Naval Air Station that is being converted into a high-tech manufacturing space, and a second is an office building on a previously closed landfill that, when originally constructed in the mid-1980s, was equipped with a sub-slab venting system but not a gas barrier membrane. The third is a relatively new building that, despite being equipped with a sub-slab venting system and gas barrier membrane, is being treated with Retro-Coat™ in localized areas to mitigate potential vapor intrusion while we continue to search for the root cause of elevated levels of VOCs in indoor air, which we believe are linked to an indoor source.” When asked what she feels the future holds for environmental remediation, Reinis feels there is room for improvement in the toxicological space. She adds, “Vapor intrusion has been an active area of research and engineering for well over a decade, but the toxicological research, particularly involving the inhalation exposure route, is still lagging. Consequently, regulations and guidance remain subject to change and debate.” When asked about the most demanding aspect of her work, she quickly refers to tight deadlines. “It’s a challenge when asked to produce a complete report from scratch in one day or less,” she says. “The redevelopment world moves at an incredibly fast pace, especially when the real estate market is booming.”

When it comes to addressing how her industry has evolved over the years, Reinis feels there are always new contaminants to challenge environmental professionals. She concludes, “There is always a new “emerging” contaminant – there was dioxin, then MTBE, now PFOA and PFOS and 1,4-dioxane – and always someone looking for a technical or scientific solution to old or new problems. The industry is constantly evolving, but generally for the better.”

REGENESIS is proud to have Sigrida Reinis, an Associate at Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., as a valued client and partner in environmental remediation, and appreciates her vast experience and commitment to providing successful remediation outcomes for Land Science and its clients.