August 2024 Land Science Newsletter

Project Snapshot | MonoShield Installation Integral to Former Chemical Plant Redevelopment

Project Snapshot Highlights: 

    • 750,000 sq. ft. protected against chlorinated solvent vapor intrusion at a former chemical plant redevelopment in Philadelphia.
    • MonoShield installed across two building footprints simultaneously, meeting aggressive construction schedules and strict quality standards.

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Case Study Video | MonoShield Installed at Site of Former Hazel Park Raceway

Case Study Video Highlights: 

  • After a successful application at nearby Liberty Park, MonoShield was chosen as the best vapor intrusion mitigation solution for the Tri-County Commerce Building #2.
  • The support of the city of Hazel Park, the state of Michigan, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has made it possible to redevelop the Hazel Park raceway.
  • With MonoShield offering a more reliable and cost-effective solution, the project was assured of meeting milestones and staying on budget.

Free Webinar | Proven Strategies for Protection Against Vapor Intrusion in Existing Buildings

Learn the Following in This Free Webinar: 

  • How Retro-Coat mitigates vapor intrusion risks
  • Which contaminants Retro-Coat protects against
  • Technical processes involved in the installation of Retro-Coat
  • Case studies demonstrating how application challenges can be overcome

Upcoming Event | Meet With Vapor Intrusion Experts

2024 AVIP VI Conference | October 20th – 23rd

Ryan Miller

Director, Land Science

Paul Erickson, PhD

Vice President of Research & Development, REGENESIS

Hieu Nguyen

Principal Engineer, Land Science

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Event | West Virginia Brownfields & Main Street Conference

9/10 – 9/12/2024 | Summersville, WV

Upcoming Event | DEM Pollution Prevention Conference & Tradeshow

9/17/2024 | Indianapolis, IN

Upcoming Event | BCONE Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop

9/23 – 9/24/2024 | Morristown, NJ

Upcoming Event | AVIP VI Conference

10/20 – 10/23/2024 | Anaheim, CA

Upcoming Event | AEHS East Coast Conference

10/21 – 10/24/2024 | Amherst, MA

Have a Vapor Intrusion Project? Get Started Today!

To receive a custom vapor intrusion solution, please call 949.481.8118 or visit One of our Technical Solutions Managers will review your project details and provide you with a customized vapor intrusion solution designed to achieve your site goals.