The Fastest Vapor Barrier To Install Is Also One of the Toughest
MonoShield is a chemically resistant and easy-to-apply barrier specifically designed as a preemptive solution for vapor intrusion at brownfield redevelopment sites. It is backed by unparalleled design support, standard industry warranty, and a network of certified applicators who can ensure quality installation.
Prior to MonoShield, the solution for vapor intrusion mitigation at large warehouses or retail developments, where regulatory requirements are not a driving factor and risk is considered low, were easily-punctured thin-mil plastic sheets or inflexible and difficult-to-seal HDPE barriers. These solutions offered either chemical resistance or constructability, but not both.
Composed of an innovative metalized film that sets the standard for preventing diffusion and permeation of chemical vapors and a nitrile-based asphalt latex that ensures a seal far more effective and easier to apply than tape-based or heat-welded systems, MonoShield offers the best of both worlds, providing developers with a viable long-term solution for reducing liability and protecting human health at a competitive cost.
The nitrile core is applied at the seams of the MonoShield base layer, with a 6” overlap of the base layer, spraying both under and over the overlap. The nitrile core seals around the penetrations and perimeter terminations.
MonoBase is a patent pending 30-mil composite geomembrane comprised of flexible chemically resistant metalized film laminated to a geotextile, a copolymer polyethylene and a tear resistant polyester reinforced grid structure. It is designed to act as a stand-alone vapor barrier in combination with MonoCore sealing around seams, penetrations and terminations.
MonoShield Saves Time And Money
As with any construction project, but especially with regards to a voluntary preemptive action, cost is often a critical factor; MonoShield was designed for this in mind. One of the most significant advantages is reduced installation time.
MonoShield can be installed 30-40% faster than alternate plastic sheeting or HDPE systems. This saves money by reducing contractor costs and shortening the redevelopment timeline.
Additionally, based on its superior durability and chemical resistance, its ability to effectively seal penetrations and seams, and a quality-tested and professional installation, MonoShield can improve indoor air quality, protect building occupants from exposure, and significantly reduce future liability, leading to immeasurable long-term cost savings.
A Cost-Effective Vapor Barrier with Superior Chemical Resistance And Constructability

Quick & Simple Installation

Excellent Durability

Chemically Resistant