Project snapshot highlights:

  • Former Industrial Property Redeveloped in New Jersey
  • Substantial Cost and Time Savings Realized
  • 150,000 Square Feet Installed

The building occupies a former industrial property in northern New Jersey, which has been developed into a large, nearly four-acre warehouse. Various contaminants, including chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons, were historically used on-site, resulting in the presence of soil gas vapors and the potential for vapor intrusion. To mitigate this risk, the MonoShield® vapor barrier and a passive venting system were installed. The original vapor mitigation design called for a traditional HDPE liner with a geotextile fabric to be installed below the liner. Land Science was able to save significant time and money by suggesting the use of the MonoShield vapor barrier. The MonoShield system uses a spray-applied nitrile-advanced asphalt latex to seal the vapor barrier seams and penetrations, thus saving substantial time over traditional welding of HDPE liners. In addition, the MonoShield vapor barrier includes a geotextile fabric thermally bonded to the underside of the barrier, eliminating the need for the additional geotextile layer. This site-specific design not only saved on the overall system cost, but it also sped up of the vapor barrier installation time which ensured the project was completed on time, meeting the growing demand for warehouse space in northern New Jersey.