MonoShield Installed At Site Of Former Hazel Park Raceway
This case study reviews a site at the former Hazel Park Raceway, located in a designated Opportunity Zone, which was established by the US Federal Treasury to encourage businesses to invest in blighted properties by providing tax incentives. These tax incentives made the redevelopment of the Hazel Park Raceway possible. In the course of evaluating potential remedial options for the 650,000 square foot warehouse facility (Tri -County Commerce Building #2), consulting firm SME approached Land Science, a division of REGENESIS, to incorporate a vapor barrier system to address the harmful vapor intrusion.

This case study features the following:
- With MonoShield offering a more reliable, cost-effective solution, the project was assured of meeting milestones and staying on time and on budget.
- Hazel Park welcomed the economic development and the promise of future jobs coming to the community through this key redevelopment project.
- The support of the city of Hazel Park, the state of Michigan, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has made it possible to redevelop the Hazel Park Raceway.
- After a successful application at nearby Liberty Park, MonoShield was chosen as the best vapor intrusion mitigation solution for the Tri-County Commerce Building #2.