Jordan Morgan
Technical Sales Manager, South Central District

Jordan Morgan: (214) 433-7346
Jordan Morgan is the South Central District Technical Sales Manager of the Land Science division of REGENESIS, Inc., and is based out of Houston, TX. Jordan has experience in the due diligence process as well as managing Brownfield and landfill redevelopment projects where vapor intrusion barriers and venting systems have been implemented. Jordan’s role includes providing technical support in the design and installation of the Land Science suite of vapor mitigation systems and educating the environmental community on advancements in vapor intrusion barrier technologies, implementation, and quality control. Prior to joining Land Science, Jordan performed due diligence work as an environmental consultant conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for industrial, commercial, and residential facilities. In addition, Jordan assisted with Phase II ESAs, groundwater sampling & monitoring, industrial and construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans and asbestos surveys. Jordan also had the opportunity to conduct limited health and safety inspection services at multiple facilities throughout the state of Texas and conduct locomotive train horn testing services for rail yards in the Houston area. Jordan holds a Bachelor of Science in Bioenvironmental Sciences from Texas A&M University. Gig ‘em Aggies.