Introducing MonoShield: A Chemically Resistant, Preemptive Vapor Barrier That Saves Time and Money
Speakers: Tom Szocinski, CEP, Director of Vapor Intrusion, Land Science and Kristen Thoreson, PhD, Director of Research and Development at REGENESIS and Land Science
Land Science is pleased to present a webinar with vapor intrusion expert Tom Szocinksi, CEP and Dr. Kristen Thoreson, Research and Development Director at REGENESIS and Land Science. During this webinar presentation, they discuss an innovative new vapor intrusion barrier technology called MonoShield. A chemically resistant and easy-to-apply barrier, MonoShield is specifically designed as a preemptive solution for vapor intrusion at brownfield redevelopment sites.
Learn the following about the new technology MonoShield in this free webinar:
- MonoShield can be installed 30-40% faster than alternate plastic sheeting or HDPE systems.
- MonoShield offers superior durability and chemical resistance.
- Competitively priced with simple quick installation
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