
Parkinson’s Disease Linked To Chlorinated Solvent Exposure on Large US Marine Base

In this webinar we were pleased to have special guest speaker Samuel Goldman, MD, MPH, Professor in the Division of Occupational, Environmental, and Climate Medicine at the University of California San Francisco and author of Risk of Parkinson Disease Among Service Members at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. His presentation discussed the link to Parkinson’s Disease resulting from chlorinated solvent exposure on a large US Marine Base. He was joined by Ryan Miller, Director of Land Science, who will discuss leading remediation and vapor mitigation technologies to protect against TCE exposure risk.

Highlights of this free webinar:

  • Brief review of Parkinson’s disease
    • What is it?
    • Descriptive epidemiology
    • Environmental epidemiology
  • TCE and Parkinson’s disease
    • Occupational associations: Case reports/clusters; Twin study
    • Environmental associations: Camp Lejeune: increased risk and faster progression
    • Animal studies & mechanisms of toxicity
  • TCE historical uses and ongoing exposures
  • Leading remediation and vapor mitigation technologies to protect against TCE exposure risk

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About the Presenters:

REGENESIS Webinar with special guest presenterSamuel Goldman, MD, MPH
Professor, Division of Occupational, Environmental, and Climate Medicine, University of California San Francisco
Samuel Goldman, MD, MPH, is a Professor in the Division of Occupational, Environmental, and Climate Medicine at the University of California San Francisco. He is also an investigator at the San Francisco VA Health Care System, where he previously ran an Environmental Medicine clinic. Sam studied neuroscience at the University of Michigan, attended medical school at the University of Texas-Houston, and trained in Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health Science at UC Berkeley. He has published extensively on the epidemiology of Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders, with a focus on environmental risk factors such as pesticides, solvents, and head injury, and their interaction with genetic susceptibility factors.

REGENESIS Remediation SolutionsRyan Miller
Director, Land Science
Ryan Miller is the Director of the Land Science® division of REGENESIS, Inc., and is based in northern New Jersey. Ryan’s role includes providing technical support in the design and installation of TerraShield, Nitra-Seal, MonoShield and Retro-Coat vapor mitigation systems, and educating the environmental community on the advancements in vapor intrusion barrier technology, implementation, and quality control by making presentations to environmental firms, regulatory agencies, and developers. Ryan has extensive experience in the environmental consulting industry, most recently working as a New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) focusing on brownfield redevelopment projects and specializing in vapor intrusion mitigation. Ryan earned a MBA from Montclair State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Studies from Siena College.

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vapor intrusion webinar

The Essential Role of QA/QC in Vapor Barrier Installations

In this webinar Ryan Miller, Director of Land Science, presented top reasons why an effective QA/QC process is essential in vapor barrier installations. QA/QC measures are pivotal to the success of a contaminant vapor intrusion mitigation (VIM) system’s installation to ensure long-term success. There are crucial reasons why implementing QA/QC measures before, during, and after the contaminant vapor barrier installation helps guarantee the efficacy of these systems designed to effectively protect indoor air quality for building occupants. Neglecting a QA/QC plan can lead to significant repercussions, including wasted time, financial losses, property liability increased risk and the underperformance of the contaminant vapor barrier mitigation system.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Best practices for QA/QC
  • Thorough overview on effective contaminant vapor barrier installation process through the lens of QA/QC
  • Why durability and constructability of a contaminant vapor barrier system is so important
  • Expert tips and insights gathered from experienced vapor barrier installation professionals

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Navigating Design and Installation Challenges in Vapor Intrusion Mitigation

In this webinar we were pleased to have special guest speaker Matthew Ambrusch, PE, MBA, Associate Principal at Langan. His presentation discussed navigating design and installation challenges in vapor intrusion mitigation. He was joined by Ryan Miller, Director of Land Science.

Learn the following in this free webinar:

  • Common design challenges and solutions in vapor intrusion mitigation systems
  • The effects vapor barrier production rate and construction sequencing have on installation time
  • QA/QC measures to ensure successful vapor barrier installation, including smoke testing and thickness verification
  • Case studies highlighting successful vapor intrusion mitigation projects and lessons learned

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vapor intrusion webinar

Crucial Design Tips for Effective Vapor Mitigation Implementation

We were pleased to have special guest speaker Spencer Cox, Project Environmental Specialist at United Consulting, share his extensive contaminant vapor mitigation implementation experience in this month’s “Distinguished Speaker” webinar. His presentation provided crucial design tips for practitioners responsible for vapor mitigation planning and construction with an emphasis on the design process. Attendees gained valuable insight into the significance of vapor mitigation and the pivotal role a robust QA/QC program, along with proper installation techniques, play in ensuring the long-term success of their project. He was joined by Jason Wilt, Southeast District Technical Manager at Land Science.

Practical Tips Include:

  • Different types of mitigation solutions and the best practices for installation and repair
  • Why certain vapors, like methane, require an extra level of attention due to their immediate danger
  • Details on more protective, cost-effective vapor barriers using metalized film and nitrile-advanced spray-applied technology
  • Thorough and effective QA/QC processes to ensure successful installation of vapor mitigation systems

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vapor intrusion webinar

Effective Design and Implementation of Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Systems for New Construction

In this webinar we are pleased to have special guest speaker Tom Hatton, CEO of Clean Vapor LLC. His presentation will discuss successfully designing and implementing Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Systems (VIMS) for new construction. He will be joined by Jordan Knight, National Sales Manager for Land Science, who will discuss advanced vapor intrusion mitigation system technologies.

Topics covered in this free webinar:

  • Stages of designing and installing an effective VIMS, including pre-emptive mitigation, conveyance plenums, and sampling probes
  • Investigation process needed to determine the contaminants of concern
  • Complying with local, state, and federal regulatory requirements
  • Achieving timely construction installation and regulatory compliance by finding the right design/build partner

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risk-based closure webinar

The Anatomy of a Risk-Based Closure and Litigation Risks

In this webinar we were pleased to have special guest speaker leading environmental law expert David Gillay, Partner at Barnes & Thornburg, LLP. His presentation discussed the anatomy of a risk-based closure and litigation risks. He was joined by Jordan Knight, National Sales Manager at Land Science, who discussed innovative vapor intrusion mitigation system technologies.

Learn the following in this free webinar:

    • Key components and decision points in developing and successfully implementing an integrated source reduction and risk management closure strategy
    • Litigation updates regarding TCE toxicity and exposure issues
    • What constitutes and imminent and substantial endangerment and expert battles related to chlorinated VOCs
    • Contaminant vapor mitigation industry’s most advanced barrier technologies

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Risk and Liability – Part 2: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation and Managing Liabilities

This webinar is the second in a two-part webinar series featuring Eric Leitz, Director of Legacy Site Services at RPS Group. His presentation discussed risk and managing liabilities, taking a look at vapor intrusion. He was joined by Ryan Miller, East Region Manager at Land Science.

Part 2: Risk and Liability – Vapor Intrusion Mitigation and Managing Liabilities

  • Similar to PFAS as an “emerging contaminant,” VI was an “emerging pathway” in the early to mid-2000s
  • What have we learned since: a patchwork of state regulations
  • For transactions and industry, the driver is exposure risk rather than liability and specific regulations
  • VI risk evaluation is still evolving (TCE, maybe PFAS?)
  • Immediate investigation/mitigation can facilitate operations or transactions, but mitigation must also endure 5-10+ years to provide long-term viability

When suspected or known VI risk is identified at a site, liability can be managed through well-established assessment and mitigation options. However, transactional work often necessitates an accelerated plan for liability management, where a pragmatic approach is needed to quickly analyze VI liabilities and quantify potential risks and consequences. VI risk to the exposed population (e.g., facility personnel and/or the public) is typically the main driver. Given these factors, VI liability estimates can be generated to not only guide the transaction process, but also manage the liability post-close and into the future.

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Air Data Quality Control: A Case Study

In this webinar we were pleased to have special guest speaker Sigrida Reinis, PhD, PE, Senior Associate at Langan Engineering and Environmental Services Inc. Her presentation discussed a case study in air quality data control. She was joined by Hieu Nguyen, Principal Engineer at Land Science, who discussed innovative vapor intrusion mitigation system technologies.

Learn the following in this free webinar:

    • Issues surrounding detectable levels of contamination that can adversely affect data quality due to SUMMA canisters
    • A vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) case study where inexplicable anomalies were observed in the monitoring data set
    • A numerical approach presented identifying anomalous data developed by Langan to address this problem

In recent years, both anecdotal evidence and rigorous research have indicated that even individually certified SUMMA canisters may arrive at a project site with detectable levels of contamination that can adversely affect data quality. Research (by others) indicates that while approximately three percent of duplicate groundwater samples have laboratory analytical results that differ significantly from those of the primary sample, with whole air samples this inconsistency increases ten-fold. This presentation will focus on one site in the San Francisco Bay Area at which a passive sub-slab vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) was installed during construction and whole air sampling, for the purposes of VIMS performance monitoring, began in the fall of 2016. After several years of regular monitoring, inexplicable anomalies were observed in the data set, and the frequency of anomalies increased over subsequent monitoring events. In response, Langan developed a numerical approach to identify anomalous data that was subsequently applied to the data sets. This presentation will provide a brief project background, describe the QC approach, discuss the ramifications to the project of the data anomalies and their identification, and describe the changes to the sampling program that will be implemented in the immediate future.

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EPA webinar

US EPA Grant Allocation for Assessment & Remediation

In this webinar we were pleased to have as special guest speakers from the US EPA Jerry Minor-Gordon, Program Analyst for the Office of Brownfields & Land Revitalization; Cindy J. Nolan, Manager for the Brownfields & Redevelopment Section; and Brian Gross, Environmental Scientist at Region 4. Their presentation discussed US EPA grant allocation for assessment & remediation.

Highlights of this free webinar:

  • Changes to the EPA Brownfields grant process retrospectively for FY22 and going into FY23
  • Brownfields funding options starting in FY 23 created by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) at the federal, regional and state levels
  • How administrative priorities are driving where and how the funds are expected to be spent
  • Funding available for Environmental Justice communities

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Proven Strategies for Protection Against Vapor Intrusion in Existing Buildings

In this webinar we were pleased to have special guest speaker Tracy Fajette, Business Development Manager at American Industrial Coatings join us. His presentation discussed the application of Retro-Coat Vapor Intrusion Coating technology from Land Science. Nick Mjolsness, West Region Manager at Land Science, joined him and discussed how Retro-Coat technology effectively mitigates contaminant vapor intrusion risk for existing buildings.

Learn the following in this free webinar:

  • How Retro-Coat mitigates vapor intrusion risks
  • Which contaminants Retro-Coat protects against
  • Technical processes involved in the installation of Retro-Coat
  • Case studies demonstrating how application challenges can be overcome

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